Imports and Extorts



The future Fractured Pack return to Locath to investigate the conspiracy that had the carter's shipment attacked to obscure the smuggling of Dramani Steel. An unknown archer's arson at the docks bought the party just enough time to find the final survivor of the giant attack to testify against Captain Feit: his bosun that had been on leave to start a cartering career.

Returning to Locath, the party begins their officially unofficial search for who might have planned the conspiracy to a attack the carter's voyage to hide the smuggling of Dramani steel within the the gold Locath had ordered in from Draman's refineries. With few individuals knowing of the shipment in the first place, the investigation started with the carter's ledger of the few other people who had ordered imports on this voyage.   The first individual spoken too was Zebulon Feit, a ship captain that had been in port waiting for his delivery througout the parties initial investigation. Notable upon him was a master crafted saber supposedly received as a gift from one of his original sailors turned smith. While the party's investigation slowly began, Xanstaer's ship that had waited for him hit a second delay as a section of the docks had sails set aflame from a rooftop archer. What would only later be discovered is that Xanstaer's ship was an innocent casualty in the pursuit of primarily delaying Captain Feit's ship from leaving. Pressuring Feit's ship, you eventually found his lost bosun who had left the vessel for just long enough to have a horrendous apprenticeship under the local carter. Admitting to the crimes among the bloodshed of the ship, Captain Feit was taken into custody.

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