Runol Passed Eye

Military: Skirmish


The Fractured Pack traverse the Runol Pass, slay a trio of cyclops, and find a clue to their given prophecy.

The Fractured Pack split ways with the gnolls when they arrived at the Runol Pass. Anna recalled times of splendor when the passage was spanned by arches and bridges overhead. Now there was only ruin. The travel through would be a majority of their day. Close to the tail end, Buck and Anna overheard brutish voices approaching with rumbling earth. Sneaking up in the air, Anna caught sight of three arguing, one-eyed giants. They carried with them a small herd of crushed horses with their pasty riders. Broxon cursed the misfortune of Jotunfell. The party discussed sneaking around but in the end, Broxon convinced everyone to fight, knowing that they would continue to terrorize the surrounding area. Hali managed to hypnotize the congregated pair, holding them at bay to finish off the isolated outsider. The next two were slightly more problematic, but they too did not last longt o the topside spells of Hali and Anna, the roving shots of Buck, and the maelstrom of Broxon's enhanced speed from Anna.   With the battle through, the Fractured Pack had more time to investigate the cylopian victims. The riders were rustic but well armed. The horses were branded with a pair of crossed thunderbolts, reminiscent of the prophecy foretold by the Oracle of the Heartfire. The deceased folk were of a heavily mixed lineage with blood from all kinds of mundane and monstrous folk. If nothing else, the bodies gave the the Pack knowledge of a relatively nearby community to bring world of the giant's slaying and possibly gain information from.   Exiting the pass, the party spent the night not far off along the mountains to begin their travel through the Ulgoine Valley the next day. That night, Buck confided in the whole party that he had had contact with Norzim and foresaw continued dealings in the future.

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The Fractured Pack