Gloss and Grime

Life, Identity


The Fractured Pack begin to settle into Dul Kag as educations of the day prior bring revelations as the informations fully coalesces.  Hali begins her treatments.  Broxon learns of his mother.

The Fractured Pack first returned down to the Drowned Miner's Den to get into contact with Mods, the Private Investigator the Hardguts had informed the party of within the city. While Broxon had been expecting a much more withdrawn and conservative individual, what the party found was an unabashedly forward woman. An overly tall, torpedo shaped helmet was removed at the ends of fingertips to reveal a frizzy dark blonde beehive hairdo that set the tone for the rest of the woman. It seems that while some of Dul Kag has stagnated and remained the same over the decades and centuries, the Hardgut's primary contact has taken the opportunity to stand out from the crowd.   Broxon hired Mods to look into a Bron, Brisson, and Umund as well as for any aspirational individuals that wanted a better standard for Dul Kag dwarves. Mods said that she would be back with initial information on the trio of names in three days with the possible of then having a longer, cheaper research over the coming weeks. Finding the group of likeminded dwarves to Broxon would be a longer endeavor to happen over a few weeks to months. Not satisfied with a single spy, Broxon also paid a beggar to keep an eye on Bron as well for his work hours and endeavors.   From this rendezvous, the Pack climbed back up to the Temple District. Broxon and Hali went to the Spirit's Temper while Anna broke off to marvel within the Birthwrought. Consulting with the scribes, Broxon's request to have the baptism information copied brought to light that the name Umund had already been written by the priest in the last day. Sorting through information, it became known that the Umund on the baptism report was the same as the Umund Irequench on Anna's disease report index. Hali left the scribe's and crossed the Spirit's Temper to begin the treatments on her legs while Broxon delved deeper into Umund. Unfortunately, much of the specific information when searching her by name came out as confidential or redacted due to the nature of her Anvilguard work. Not letting this stop him, Broxon left the Temple District on his own to go get answers.   Across the way, Anna's time was spent in reverence of the massive architecture and the open creation process. Seen by the high priest at the far end, he bid her not to walk through the factory floor. Approaching, the old dwarf welcomed Anna. The woman explained her excitement and splendor in reference to her home of Alecaster and being one of the artificers of the Rukki family of aaracockra. The dwarven priest took that to mean the visually mixed lineage individual maintained some of the long lost aarakocran blood of the family with her wings. Anna chose it best to not correct the misunderstanding. Through the remainder of the conversation, Anna set up some times in which she could come witness the master crafters of the temple of Moradin work as well as locate an empty forge within the city that she could work in while present.   After Anna finished within the Birthwrought, she continued on to the Spirit's Temper to sit with Hali as the genasi had her first treatment. Sitting within a shallow bath of honey, the priest chanted and massaged Hali's legs while channeling restorative magics to promote new tissue growth. The treatments would continue over the next three weeks but even that was a miracle for how quickly Hali managed to recover. When the treatment was done for the day, the girls went looking for Broxon but couldn't find him. In the end, they returned to the Panoram Rest.   Broxon had left on his own to climb up to Gmalthgot and go to the Strop, the headquarters of the Anvilguard. After asking around and waiting, Broxon got a meeting with Commander Drakemace at the end of the day. Broxon learned further details of his mother's sacrifice. She had been posted in the areas of the Ulgos Jungles in her expeditions for the Anvilguard. There in she had caught the Lung Rot. To ensure that it did not spread, she purged her outpost with fire with her in it. Broxon attempted to ask about Bron but none of his martial endeavors were official. A mercenary, he and Umund's relationship was a rare one. Few Anvilguard maintained romantic relationships due to the time they spent outside of Dul Kag in dangerous situations. The Basher had also heard of the Eternal Barracks from the Spirit's Temper. Commander Drakemace confirmed its existence and agreed to put out word for any Anvilguard willing to escort the dwarf to visit it.   Despite the amount of success Broxon had in gaining information from Drakemace, not all of it was positive. Broxon attempted to push the commander into talk of Dul Kag's glory days and bringing it back. To route out the goblinoids of the valley and open back up for trade to become a central world market once more. Commander Drakemace pressed that that very ideology is what prevented Dul Kag from growth. The dwarves seeking gold and glory had moved off to New Derth as a world market. Any trade for Dul Kag would have to start with those nearby. The goblinoids of the Ulgoine valley were peaceful and seeking to better the land. The ancient hatreds between races would have to be healed to pursue any new future of trade. Broxon took the Commanders soft words as insult and the Commander assured him that they were meant to be. Broxon returned to the Panoram Rest with some positives and some negatives but that didn't prevent him from digging into the ladies about “abandoning him at the Spirit's Temper to look for them for hours”

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