Rose Tinted Shattered Glasses

Diplomatic action


The Fractured Pack turns their attention to Craven Crove with previous realities smashed.  In their journey, they find the aid of another with similar cracks in their future plans.  With more information about Craven Cove at hand than they would have otherwise had, the Fractured Pack accepts the aid of a previous member of the cove.

As the evening passed, the trio of the Fractured Pack came to a conclusion: they had to go to Craven Cove. With everything that had happened, this could not be delayed any longer. Unsure of what they would find when they got there, that unknown couldn't stop them. They couldn't plan until they knew more. As such, the next day they traveled north. They would still be a few hours away when they had to make camp but no matter what those initial miles had to be traveled.
  That night while on her eternal watch, Hali here a call of distress to the east. Struggling and gasping. She woke Anna, not wanting to disturb Buck. The two discussed what to do but in that discussion, the struggling stopped. Whoever that was, they were no longer fighting. Hali journeyed out from the camp into the jungle to find not too far off, a man covered in vines at the base of a tree. It looked like he had been sheltering in a hollow to be attacked by an assassin vine in his rest. Using the Sceptar of the Yellow King, she grew claws to tear the vines away to save the unconscious man. Looking, the human wore ragged clothes and didn't have much more on him then the daggers he had attempted to fight off the assassin vine with. Hali conjured her disk to hoist the man back to camp.
  Anna set a small fire the man as Hali reinitiated the dome. The man would be outside but he would at least be warm. A few hours after Anna got back to sleep, the man roused from his unconscious state. A game of defensive Q&A began that slowed awoke Buck and then Anna once again. Buck was the first to show faith and step into the man's sight and built bridges for heartier conversation. Sigismund by name, if granted a safe night and food in the morning, he could inform the companions the next morning what they were heading towards.
  It would eventually be revealed that this ragged man had escaped from Craven Cove where he had been a prisoner. Sigismund, though never a slave, he had been been a pirate that turned against the idea of the slave trade upon seeing it. For that he had been imprisoned recently. Nimble and agile, he had managed to not only escape prison but also scale the walls of the town. Sigismund began to outline the general layout of Craven Cove. The port, the town, the general locales of the plantations, the estate, and the slave's quarters. He informed the party that the Cove was run by three people: 'Pleasant' Dryden, Captain Moore Godwin, and The Lady of Shadeshore Manor.
  Mr. Dryden was the operations manager of the plantation and ran it as his business. He organized the selling of products and the ordering of more workers. Captain Godwin was responsible for making sure those worker were obtained as well as the slough of other jobs for the ships. From basic piracy to assaults on the opposing militaries, a majority of the pirate activities from Craven Cove were not related to the slaving business. Few of these raids were successful with many retreats but it kept suspicion down of their true intents. Finally, the Lady of Shadeshore Manor did not do much, rarely coming out to the public. When she did so, it was usually to damn someone to execution.
  With information shared, the foundations of trust began to be built. The Fractured Pack had their hopes for Craven Cove and the Tertalak upended with the death of Broxon. Sigismund, for whatever reason he had joined the pirate crew, had also had his view of what a life in Craven Cove meant shattered as well. No one was here because they wanted to be. The world was not where they wanted it to be. But they were here.

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The Fractured Pack