Fortnight Mercenaries

Life, Career

16/7 7538:00

The Iron Wolves spend two weeks being local heroes while waiting for the trial of Phaloxil v. Doga.

The Iron Wolves sought out Admiral Ava Hall in Gusede to begin negotiations for possible service for Phaloxil within Zhalvazho. The party worked in Daniel gaining credit for their family's lineage property despite the the service being an unothodox one. The counter point to it is that Daniel was tying their name in with the other Iron Wolves, requiring everyone to behave for the time to be counted. The companions also doubled their monthly retained under the condition that they would have a lower possibility of passing on presented missions. The Iron Wolves took the information to think on for the next few weeks with the knowledge that they would have to decide by the end of the Court hearings on Captain Ira Doga. It would be then that Admiral Hall would return to her station in Zhalvazho.
  Following the Iron Wolves lafternoon meeting with Admiral Hall, they traversed the roads to make their way to the Bifulco Estate to have an evening chat with the marquis. The marquis was shocked at how soon the companions would be leaving after gaining renown as heroes. Despite that, they had plenty of tasks available for them from the gala guests. Over the two weeks between now and the trial, the Iron Wolves would take the opportunity to deal with as many as they could. This effort had the dual purpose of servicing the marquis as well as gaining the party funds to prepare for their next expedition. The party focused on taking care of two jobs each week with differing companions taking leads and different companions stepping back to take care of other tasks. The second week of jobs went far better than the first. The pinnacle of the tasks led Lyle into dealing with swarms of sewer rats. In the process, he made contact with the horde mother and forming a connection with the spirit of the Giant Rat.
  On the topic of Lyle, his first week of downtime was not spent adventuring but rather getting in tune with the ebbing currents of the shores to contact Bodrenia. The druid was concerned about if voyaging to Zhalvazho was best for his service to her. In the end, he was assured that this would do her well. Rather than trying to take a civilized land and make it wild again, he would being going to a wild land and ensuring that it stayed wild.
  During the second week of work, Lyle joined in but Kain and Daniel stepped out. Kain spent his time in an underground fight ring to earn himself a bit of money in private. Unfortunately, he may have gotten a little carried away and almost killed a man. In doing so, than caused more attention to come his way than intended and the branded C upon his chest was noted and recognized. This happened at the end of the downtime period which is good because Phaloxil was quickly finding many different eyes on the companions. They may not want to stay much longer.
  Daniel's time away was far less taxing. Daniel spent their time pulling strings within Gusede. Using their military past and future dealings to do mercenary work for Phaloxil, they managed to eventually get access to a moderately power spell to be studied and inscribed within their tome.

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