Never Dul in Dul Kag

Cultural event


The companions begin to uncover realities within Dul Kag. Hali seeks treatment for her legs, Anna discovers the modern history of an ancient plague, and Broxon confronts his father.

The next morning, the Fractured Pack gathered. A watchman of the city was immediately present to guide the party from Gmalthgot through Konorhim and on to Millton. On the way, Ana and Hali were dropped off at the Spirit's Temper for their business. After a brief issue of legitimacy, Ana eventually provided the Writ of Hospitality to prove her approval to look into information of the city's history of Lung Rot. There was a small moment of the clockwork blue jay having to fly back and forth from Buck for the writ.     A scribe of the temple went through the appropriate files and wrote up a summarized index of the recent Lung Rot occurrences in the last 350 years. The women not only collected the indexed information but also the cartographic areas of the events (having them marked on their map).

  Transitioning to the other end of the Spirit's Temper, Hali was serviced by a medical priest and given a prognosis on her legs. Aside from attempting a major blessing from Moradin that might not even be heard to immediately fix her legs, she would need daily treatment for tissue regrowth. Expensive and hard on the body, this process would take about a month possibly more depending on her fortitude. After spending the whole morning in waiting rooms for information and a prognosis, the pair returned to the secretarial section once more to inquire on records that contained both the names Broxon and Brisson. The priest returned to say he had only found one, not even writing it down, that “The only documentation we have with both a Broxon and Brisson on it is a ledger of Baptism in 970 AH. Broxon, Son of Brisson and Umund.” The pair then followed Hali's tome-inscribed Sendings to Buck in order to find their way to join their companions.   ~~~~~~~ After Broxon and Buck had separated from the girls, they were led down to the liminal space between Konorhim and Millton to find the hallway known as Drowned Miner's Den. After some minor investigating from the liaison-watchman Loggeam Woldhorn, the pair was pointed to the bar The Bitter Fire. The bar's of the strip were claimed by the different professions and this one was home to the smelters. Broxon and Buck approached the bar to see the dwarf behind it. Greasy, rust-brown hair that hung about the ears. Beard splayed out around the chin, only the mustache maintained but even that was crookedly cut above the lip. Walking hunched forward at the shoulder. Even steps with no soarness as he worked, just sluggish.   Broxon ordered himself two whiskeys, leaving Buck to order his own. Broxon shot down one whiskey and introduced himself as a newcomer to town, taking on the name Leon. The bartender pointed out a foreman if Leon was looking for work but things quickly grew tense. “Leon” had asked for the barman's name. The answer of Bron caused “Leon's” second glass to shatter in hand. The newcomer then started to trickle in the truth, claiming his purpose here was inquiring after relations of dwarf he had met at a sanctuary by the name of Nolox. Bron's bleary eyes stared off. He eventually asked the dwarf across the bar if he had any relation to Nolox. Bron found himself hauled over the bar and thrown through a table. The doorway became filled by the onlooking Watchman Woldhorn.   Many things were shouted. Of a cowardly man who abandoned his son. Of a son who ruined his father's life. Of justice and righteousness. Broxon shown with divine light in having become what his father had failed to be. Bron attempting to oppose the radiant dwarf saying that Tempus surely did spite him if after so long in seeking that blessing for Brisson, for it to just be offhandledly given to Broxon. Bron tried to force his way past Broxon but his shoulder gave out. Broxon took him by the throat and launched him against the bar where he collapsed. Spit and vitriol filled the room as Bron pushed Broxon to finish it. But Broxon had learned this lesson. There would be no honor in felling someone so far beneath him. Broxon left.   Buck. Buck Stayed. He attempted to pick the man up. Bron refused. The medic inquired about helping aid the long lasting physical injuries. Bron refused yet again, though this time stating that the priests in Dul Kag had the power. The conversation dragged on that the wounds were gained through the time in service to the Lord of Battles. Buck inquired as to why Bron would continue to carry Brissons scars. The man had no response. Buck paid for the whiskey, with enough money to also cover the broken table before finding himself outside. The Watchman guided the shifter down the lane to another bar, one Broxon had decided was clean enough to spend the day partying with a bunch of miners more than willing to drink Broxon's coin.   The party dragged on until Anna and Hali had arrived. Broxon flexed his way through multiple arm wrestling contests with strangers, got to and through Buck, but was almost bested by Hali as she took the opportunity to drop his mothers name at the moment of ignition. Despite the lapse (and contested roll tie with Anna's Flash of Genius), Broxon eventually won out. Slowly, everyone fell into the party for Broxon to excuse himself to the lou. Leaving, he found an empty warehouse to tirade at the Lord of Battles. No response was given for demands of answers, for a destroyed family supposedly because of service to the god, for leaving his father broken with no real evidence that he too wouldn't be used as a tool and cast aside. No response was given to challenges to send down another avatar. Just an angry, overwhelmed, emotional man in an abandoned warehouse of a bygone day of fortune for the dwarves of Kag Burhim.   Eventually seeing another drunk walking the outer hallway and interacting with the man, Broxon made his return. Just another man Drowned Miner's Den making his way back. Broxon wanted Loggeam Woldhorn to lead him to the Private Invesitgator the Hardguts had told him of but the watchman determined to drop the Fractured Pack back off at the Panormam Rest before setting up any such connection. Not after what he had seen earlier that day. Anna and Hali returned to their rooms, one passed out upon the spider Fluffins. Broxon ordered them the loudest, earliest wake up call imaginable. It was not expected that this meant an old woman with a war horn. A morning of headaches, pranks, gaffs, soakings and cleanings followed.

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The Fractured Pack