Kailos Laboratories: Extermination and Cooperation



Buck and Clive take on a minor extermination and collection job for the Dominus Porta to try to clear their heads after their losses. An aid of the archmage joins them search for required documents. Despite slaying many of the experiments, they find one experiment in need of saving.   Hali and Anna join the party.

After taking their time to mourn, the remaining half of the Fractured Pack eventually found themselves back in the rooms of the Chronicker, the tower of the Dominus Porta. Speaking with the archmage, the old man had a minor task he needed handled. In exchange, he was happy to transport the party wherever they needed one last time. The party requested to keep that transport on hold. Snidely, the Dominus Porta agreed with high derision for the possibility.   The archmage would be sending the party into a ransacked laboratory within the Sunken Ceshau obliviously feeling almost like a sick joke to end the fractured party's story. Within the islands there was an arcane laboratory creat by a trio of wizards, the Kailos brothers, where they had done their dark research. The Dominus Porta is aware of the laboratory recently being ransacked by heroes and a necromancer taking advantage of the situation to restart the experimentations of the Kailos'. The Dominus Porta need adventuring grunt work to prevent any future trouble from the laboratory. The mission was to go in, eradicate any experiments left there-in, and return with any record for the archmage's safekeeping. Joining Buck and Broxon would be a new companion. An air genasi arcanist, Hali she seems to have been serving under the Dominus Porta but he does not have any other immediate jobs for her. Her role here was to serve as the check point to see what ledgers and recordings were worthy of returning to the Dominus Porta.   Teleporting into the laboratory via a Teleportation Circle, the trio searched the communal research chamber finding some books and a material component but most other items of interest had already been looted as predicted. Continuing on to the throne room you found it infested with a host of biologically altered mutants. Dispatching them, a series of intense moments brought exultations and distress from party members. Broxon's new weapon was wielded with thus unseen skill while the hope of arcane missiles brought harsh reminders of his fallen companions. The battle brought a moment for Hali to prove herself but instead she panicked in the first moments of stress overcome by a greater ordeal amid echoing winds while looking at Buck.   Continuing on, the party located ledgers, and located the biological augmentation chamber. Taking advantage of the situation at had, Broxon had Buck perform an excrutiating operation up his legs to alter their form. Surgically morphing his legs into a digitigrade stance with a bit of bone extending out the back of the calf, Broxon's already fleet feet increased incrementally. Within the Biological Augmentation Lab they also found a small vault hidden behind an explosive sigil trap. The next chamber brought equal temptation but one resisted through pure backlash. The party found the remains of burned Flesh Golem to be dispatched. Scouring the location for information, they eventually found the skinwrapped tome that served a maddening manual of the golem's creation.   Finally, the trio moved to the Necromancy laboratory, dispatched the carrion crawlers that had moved in (not for the first time), and ransacked the room for any remaining treasure as well as a key for a small vault.   Everything was complete. Everything should have been complete. But the party still had a vault to open. Finding the key and a Enervation Scroll, Buck and Hali returned to the biological augmentation chamber to open the vault. Within, they found a trunk of adventuring gear, a tiny silver bird cage and a jewel encrusted dagger, and a lever. Pulling the lever revealed a secret coffin beneath a trapdoor in the floor. Held with Transmutation magic, breaking the seal ended the stasis of the individual within. Emerging in terror not wanting to be slain by the aggressive Broxon, the individual before them was far more eccentric than the surgery Buck had done to Broxon. A humanoid woman with furry pointed ears atop the head, large luminous wings that chromatically changed, and a bushy large tail.   Conversation elicited many odd things. Supposedly, this Anastasia had been a slave to the Kailos brothers. Supposedly, they had experimented on her extensively. Supposedly... but the Kailos brothers were over 1500 years old? Anna claimed to be from the year 1072 Age of Heroes... but that year no longer exists... It got overwritten when the Age of Isolation was decreed by sages. She is an oddity.   Seeking the exit, Broxon and Buck spent time clearing the rubble to uncover the massacred servants quarters filled with undead corpses and the passage out. The passage out however was guarded by a magical guardian armor. The hodgepodge group rested before dealing with this in the morning. And deal with it they did. The suit retaliated fiercely along with the walls being trapped with saw blades. Eventually, they escaped the tunnel and exited outside to the balconies and stairs on the outside of the Arcanist's Horn.   Descending the stories, the adventurers got to a minor dock where the Rowboat patch of the Robe of Useful Items was removed so the party could row to the Southern Island of the Ceshau seeking out Scheuwaste. On their voyage, Hali dove beneath the waves to investigate a sunken shipwreck, returned with a handful of coins and a potion but was driven off before she could finish the dive due to a giant electric eel.   Getting to the island, Buck nearly perfectly navigated the party back to Scheuwaste. The only unfortunate occurance was a small host of plant monsters that were hidden by false appearances in the uncut wilds. Buck and Broxon's first time on the island was mostly by trail and these mobile plants stayed as far as they could from the trail. Enticing smells and toxic venoms were their means of operation. However, A giant hammer and arrows were their means of extermination. Eventually, cusping in at the very end of the journeying day, the party made it once more to Scheuwaste and invoked the name of Lanster of Stile to gain entrance. There in they had about a week of downtime before a ship would be around to return you to Locath via the Open Orchid Company's ship: The Mad Hag. During this time, Hali informed the Dominus Porta to send his elemental courier to collect the required knowlegde. The Genasi took the opportunity to remove the dangerous temptations of the Manual of Golems from her person as well as inform the archmage of Anna's... special circumstance.

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