Bountiful Friendship


For the first time, when the Iron Wolves past comes back to haunt them in Locath it at least comes with good tidings.

Upon getting to Locath, the companions immediately cought to purchase longtime mooring. The Sea Wolf was re-positioned in port for its small size and year long storage. After this was completed, the companions went to relax for the evening at the notably large and open Salted Deck tavern. Kain poked some social buttons flaunting his ocean experience. While the others were getting food and drink set up, Lyle walked the crowded room in dog form using a quick moment to peer through minds for anything interesting going on. With that, he caught an austere moment of a peg-legged halfling peering across the bar towards Gregor and the others. Searching his mind, Lyle discovered that the man was thinking of about reporting in to his employer of possibly finding the Iron Wolves.
  Lyle mentally contacted Gregor and got the giant over to approach the halfling which heavily spooked him for being made so easily. Proding conversation got Lyle to detect that the halfling was supposed to report in to a “Colter”. Through cordial social bulldozing, Gregor had the terrified little man agreeing to immediately return to his employer and have this “Colter” come and meet with the Iron Wolves immediately in public. About a half hour later, a dark haired, mustached and pointy bearded man was approaching their table with many mugs in hand. Billowing sleeves contrasted the tighter leather cuirass. Upon arriving, drinks in hand, the man loudly exclaimed his joy in seeing his friends again. Zeran first and then the others recognized the leader of the Valient End that they had met at the beginning of their adventures.
  Colter shared bewildered amazement and jealously of the stories trickling in of the Iron Wolves' quests in their time since last meeting. On the subject, he actually had a job that had brought him to Locath that he wasn't entirely sure the Valient End could complete on their own, or at least not with their current specialties and knowledge base. The halfling had been paid to keep an eye out for people the dashing man thought might be able to help him and here the Iron Wolves had showed up. Colter requested some privacy with Gregor to discuss the situation and see if the Iron Wolves were in a place to be able to help. Gregor agreed to go with the man as Colter lead him outside to talk more privately.
  Following the High Road, Colter kept the pair out in the open which quieted suspicions in Gregor's mind. Unfortunately, the conversation itself still went darker even if their remained in the open. Colter had indeed come to Locath on a job and he indeed was seeking more understanding before completing it. Handing Gregor a a rolled document, Colter continued on that he was seeking out this additional information as a professional courtesy. Gregor unrolled the document to find a wanted poster for Kain. He had a 2,500 gp reward on him for cannibalism. Along with the scroll was Kain's intercepted letter to his patrons in Draman. It and their ship was how Colter had incorrectly predicted their passage through Locath. As opposed to just acting on the job, Colter allowed Gregor to provide context to the situation.
  Gregor explained that Kain did have a sordid past but those things were behind him. Within the Iron Wolves, he was above board and not assailing any folk. There were no modern occurences that would have sparked such a warrant. The Iron Wolves found themselves opposed to a shadowy political threat in Phaloxil and this was most certainly a ploy by them. This matched the fact that this warrant was being taken to private operators as opposed to simply being put on a bounty board. Colter let it be at that, not acting on this warrant. However, he made it known that for the sake of the Valient End's reputation, he would not be able to ignore further increases on this bounty. Increased pay implies reasons for the increase, implied further crimes. The Valient End could not sit idlely by letting a cannibal terrorize the goodly peoples.
  With a solemness, the two acknowledged that they would not like what would have to happen if things escalated. For now, though, the Iron Wolves had their warning as a professional courtesy and a possible chance to finish things with their political conspiracies before things grew worse. Gregor and Colter would have one final meeting in Locath the next day to confirm that should things go poorly, Iron Wolves had no intention of handing Kain over peacefully. Both sides would stand by their moral and ethical principles. Colter had warned them one time and no hard feelings would follow if this track continued.

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