Absent of Honor


The fractured Fractured Pack's time in Locath is cut short as Broxon's bottled up mourning finally shatters. Returning to the dockside fighting warehouse, the dwarf's mediocre bouts end with him killing a fan. Broxon flees across town to finish drinking the day away before being confronted by an angelic marshal to correct his course. With only enough time in town for the other three companions to acquire what goods they needed, the party leaves the next morning to continue their journeys.

Upon returning to Locath though, frays began to show themselves within the jumbled together group. Buck returned to the Firnished Propriety to once more acquire an outfit of upper class presentation. Hali and Anna acquired required goods for spellcasting and worked on their independent projects. Of most interest, though, was Broxon's time. Still within the grieving process for his lost companions, the temporary travelers that have been thrust upon him have not aided in his processing. Witnessing similar magical missiles from Hali mid-combat was hard. The mechanically crafty Anna only pushed those deep reminders further.   In returning to Locath, the dwarf found himself back in the fighting warehouse. A single day of drinking and bashing led to a middling performance has he worked through his dismay. His overly chummy head fan Rhys Ifans took steps to take a parasocial relationship to the next level but Broxon was not in the mood for it. In having his fantasy shattered, Rhys verbally lashed out at Broxon. This would be the final thing he ever did as a single blow from a champion of the Lord of Battle brought the quite mortal man to ground, jaw dislocated and neck snapped. Broxon disappeared in the streets, found a much different local to drink until midnight, and attempted to only then return to the party.   Exiting Darrum's Brewery and Creamery under the high moon brought with it a series of unforseen events. The weather galed all of a sudden and as the brisk rushed in, the inebriation was drawn out. Anger and spite up towards the heavens was matched with howls and hurricanes. Threats and bluster were returned with lightning and brutish arrogance was met with an Avatar of Merit and Honor. Broxon fought brilliantly but like a cruel mirror, Broxon's assaults at the avatar did as much good as Rhys' would have done against him. In the end, it was a night of lessons. Personal Honor versus Honor of Battle. The valor of the underdog versus the dignity of the favored. Two perfect blows from the dwarf carried favor but two empowered strikes brought the zealot down. Broxon's capability and skill was recognized by the Lord of Battles and in return earned him the calm guiding hand of a mentor rather than the final smite of a warlord. While there was no disownment, there was also no miraculous rebirth of the murdered. The Lord of Battles still has use for Broxon if he can do as instucted. To learn the way, grow in purpose, increase in potential, and to become what Tempus needs him to be.   The next morning, Broxon informed his companions of the immediate need to leave the town but said nothing else. Anna turned the dwarf invisible to easily get beyond the questioning guards at the gate on the look out for a red mohawked dwarf. Buck retrieved his ordered clothing from the elvish tailors and haberdashers. Our heroes gather atop the hilland roads headed to the Colonial highway. Buck had purchased a carriage to ease their travels. With this unexpected jolt out of town, their attention drew to the next goal: Broxon sought out the ancestral homeland of the Deep Cavern Dwarves of Dul Kag. There he hoped to find his father and answers to his past and future. The immediate task would bne finding a way across Nystor's Path.

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