Desires and Demands

Diplomatic action


During their journey, both Hali and Buck pursue further ties outside the Fractured Pack.

During the Fractured Pack's journey to the Runol Pass, both Hali and Buck took time for correspondence. Hali's time was much faster, using her tome to check in on Jayden the Crude. The terrorized pirate had found his way down to New Derth and was currently in the process of gaining access to a major library to research Hali's queries of the tertalak.   Buck took a moment in private one evening to reach out to Norzim. The shifter attempted to use his final question to ask the imp what would be next for their relationship, if Norzim would be gone. The imp replied that the final question was not accepted. As long as Buck continued to willingly tap into the power granted by the their deal, no final question would be accepted. Buck questioned what Norzim's mastered wanted of him. The response was poetic about taking honey, boiling off the water, and stretching it thin like taffy. Buck refused the idea that he would be so easily corrupted and pressed that whatever Norzim's masters wanted, the deal was between the two present. That the relationship was between Buck and Norzim, and that as Buck would call on Norzim in need, the imp should call on Buck when he needed something. The imp assured that aid would be called for to get Norzim to an advanced station. After a handshake, the imp disappeared once more.

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Complete History of Malpos
The Fractured Pack