Stargazer Sands

The Stargazer Sands are a dune-filled desert located on Northern Tesseract C6. Named after a demonym Eyes of the Void, the Stargazer Sands are a common site of pilgrimage for members of that religion because it plays host to a number of unique meteorological phenomena.


Stargazer Sands is located in the Northern Tesseract, meaning that it is subject to more charged particle radiation from extra-Manifold sources than other location. Its adjacency to the arid Eastern Tesseract means that it is relatively dry. Circumvection cycles have drawn warm wind from the Rostral-adjacent Northern B to the Caudal-adjacent Northern D across the region over geological time, eroding the landscape into a series of dunes trapped between jags of sedimentary rocks that run almost to the edge mountains.   The ash and debris from ancient volcanic activity in the Ventral-adjacent Northern G dube - dating perhaps as far back the Ventral A Volcanic Event - has turned the sands of the region a deep reddish-black. At night, when the aurorae leap high over the dunes, tiny fragments of obsidian and other brilliant inclusions in the Stargazer Sands' composition catch the light, creating a dazzling lightshow reminiscent of how the Eyes of the Void mythologize the night skies of The Curved Time.


The climate of the Stargazer Sands is arid and windy, but overall temperate. Daytime temperatures can soar to over 90F in the summer, while winter night temperatures can fall as low as -10F. The aridity of the region supresses the formation of clouds, meaning that the temperature swings greatly between day and night.

Fauna & Flora

Wildlife in the Stargazer Sands is hardy and sparse. A number of lizards, snakes, and insects, all known for carrying venom for defense and hunting purposes, make their homes in the region alongside various sizes of rodent. Like in most terrestrial environments, a few straggling clumps of Penrose fescue eke out survival in the low spots where the rare rains accumulate. Hawks circle the desert looking to pick off any small animals who wander out of the protection of their burrows.

Location under

Cover image: by BCGR_Wurth


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Nov 18, 2022 23:04 by Starfarer Theta

I really have to stop arriving in deserts. With that said, this is one of the more beautiful night sights I've seen in a long time. The aurora interacting with the sand is quite mesmerizing. - Nemo, World Traveler