Ventral Tesseract

The Ventral Tesseract is one of the ten tesseracts which make up the Manifold. Cubes falling within this tesseract are notable for their geological instability. This tesseract is considered to lie in the diametrically opposed region of the Manifold to the Dorsal Tesseract.


The instability of the Ventral Tesseract principally manifests as heightened edge and vertex mountain ranges, hills and rocky outcroppings on the faces, and an abundance of heavy metal ores near the surface. Volcanism, geothermal activity (such as hot springs), and earthquakes are all common environmental hazards in the Ventral Tesseract and all associated cubes.     The cubes of the Ventral Tesseract are connected to adjacent tesseracts through the following inflection layer transits:  
  • Ventral A to West G
  • Ventral B to Rostral E
  • Ventral C to East G
  • Ventral D to Caudal G
  • Ventral E to Medial G
  • Ventral F to South G
  • Ventral G to Distal E
  • Ventral H to North G

Fauna & Flora

Due to the prevalence of earthquakes and wildfires caused by geological activity, most plant life in the Ventral Tesseract grows low to the ground. Native fauna tend to be short, stocky, and acclimated to high altitude living.

Natural Resources

While the large amount of heavy metals and geothermal power which could be extracted from the Ventral Tesseract are tempting to explorers from the various nations of the Manifold, the environmental hazards that accompany these resources make permanent extraction operations a difficult sell in terms of insurance. Chemosynthetic extremophiles residing in the many Ventral hot springs may yet find a use in natural products chemistry.

Articles under Ventral Tesseract

Cover image: Ventral G Lava Field by Artbreeder


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