Astrid’s Opal Dagger Item in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Astrid’s Opal Dagger

This huge opal is a personal item belonging to Astrid Asgerdotr. It is currently in the possession of Gunnar Thorson.


Though its origin is unclear, this dagger was found in the hoard of the dragon Rauðrherja after it was slain by the 32-year-old King of Rogaland, Ingvar Ivarson. Though the dagger is not magical, it was declared by Ingvar to be the most beautiful object obtained from the trove and eventually gifted it to his 8-year-old neice upon visiting the township of Buskagar to see his newly born nephew, Ignar Asgerson.   Astrid kept the dagger in her possession for 7 years before offering it to Gunnar Thorson before he left on his journey, telling him to use the dagger to garner support from her uncle.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Current Holder


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