Haskell Siwardson Character in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Haskell Siwardson

The former Jarl of Buskagar, overthrown by Asger Jorikson 15 years into his reign.


Haskell was born in Buskagar and it was under him that Buskagar's palisade wall was built and Buskagar's fleet of longships doubled from 3 to 6. These building projects increased Buskagar's demands for lumber to the point that it angered the Galanodel clan of wood elves, and they began felling the town's woodsmen who came to fell their trees.   This enraged Haskell, who ordered half the forces of Buskagar into Dovrefell forest to confront the elves. this lead to the disasterous Battle of Dovrefjell Forest.


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