Fathomless Edge Item in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Fathomless Edge

A shard of eon, a blade created by the gods, it is capable of amazing things. The blade isn't much more than a large hilt with a short broken blade extending from it. The blade can be used to cut through anything, including dimensions.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The blade is capable of cutting through anything in existence. The blade cuts through things as if it wasn't there and in fact even can cut through space into other dimensions. The blade when wielded by most puts a lust for the blade in the hearts of those who see the blade being used. The blade also causes the user to covet it and keep it on their person and not allow anyone else to have the blade. This feature seems to be negated while in the hands of the sentinels, or at least the hands of Lucius Aemilius Paullus Macedonicus, Gawain Kroensieg, and Percival Sunborn as they are the only sentinels who have used it in front of others. The reason for this is unknown and the sentinels are reluctant to continue testing the blade as the dangers of cutting through dimensions is too great and as such should only be used in the most dire of circumstances.


The fathomless edge is a shard of eon, the blade used by Asmodeus to kill his brother early in the universe's existence. The blade is currently being used by the Sentinels of the blazing sun and were used to kill Myzorock and Laverra. Finding all of the shards of Eon could allow one to possible reforge the blade, but no one is sure of what would happen if this occurred. The gods probably aren't too keen on this happening as the blade could threaten their positions of power.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Owning Organization
The Fathomless edge is the only one of its kind in existence. There are other shards of eon, but each is a different piece of the broken blade and each have different properties.


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