Law of the Uruk Tradition / Ritual in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Law of the Uruk

The law is simple and is how the orcs 'govern' themselves. It is simply that the strong take what they want. In the province of Helmlund the law of the Uruk is pretty much all there is. The strong take what they want and if the weak can't defend what they have then they don't deserve it. The law has been with the orcs and the half-helm tribe for as long as the orcs can remember and they have known nothing else. More civilized nations see this as backwards and counterproductive, but the orcs believe that strength is the only thing that should decide who gets things. If a weaker individual wants to keep things that they have then they need to be strong enough to defend it. The law is restricted to the forests in the province of Helmlund in return for them joining Sunreach.


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