Sunreach Organization in Marhalla | World Anvil
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The nation of Sunreach is one of the newest on the face of Marhalla. The nation of Sunreach as well as the city is ruled over by the Sentinels of the Blazing Sun. The sentinels founded the keep of Sunreach which gradually formed into a town over only a few months. From there the fledgling town grew more and more until it grew into a full nation. The people of Sunreach are fiercely loyal to their rulers known as the Sentinels of the Blazing Sun who personally saved the city from destruction at the hands of Myzorock twice. Sunreach is a place for people to come and make a new start in their lives and throw off the baggage of where they came from. People come to Sunreach from all walks of life and are not only just allowed in, but are welcomed. Sunreach has a large diverse population making it more appeasing for people from all races to feel comfortable making a home here. The Sentinels of Sunreach are generally seen as just rulers and try to make the people's lives better. For this reason many peasants and merchants travelling from foreign kingdoms arrive just to visit and instead decide to stay and make Sunreach their new home.


Sunreach has a peculiar system of governance. At its head sit the Sentinels of the Blazing Sun. They were, and still are, an adventuring party who rose their way up through the ranks of Dorwine and had their blessing to make a keep over the ruins of Kata'Gul. The sentinels hold supreme authority over Sunreach lands including their vassals, but decisions made by them must be decided on by a vote from all sentinels meaning they at least need approval by the other sentinels to pass laws and legislation that affect the entire kingdom. Underneath them sit the Praetorian who are given tracts of land to guard and foster growth. They have supreme authority over the lands they are given so long as they don't conflict with the constitution of Sunreach. From there both Sentinels and Praetorian can elect officials to do specific things within the kingdom such as collect tax or manage supply shipments.

Public Agenda

Sunreach is a kingdom attempting to expand. After the defeat of Myzorock the kingdom has grown extraordinarily fast expanding throughout the plains of Barathord and the Charly Woods. Sunreach is at peace with all major factions and for the most part the tribes on the Plains of Barathord were merely pushed off of the plains knowing facing the military meant death although some did resist. As of now Sunreach is at peace and is merely building their nation to greater heights to be a major contender on the geopolitical landscape.


Sunreach has recently expanded into the plains of barathord and the acquisition of territory has forced them to organize these lands into provinces for ease of maintaining. The heartlands of Sunreach is known as the Sunlands. This is the most populous region of Sunreach as well as the wealthiest.   The plains of Barathord is the second wealthiest province, but the third most populous after Ashfalls. The plains of Barathord are rich in resources and land suitable for farming providing good exports to sell for profit. The province is slowly expanding as more and more settlers move there and make it safe for the non-rugged type to live there and make a living.   Ashfalls is the second most populous province, but the third wealthiest. Colonized mostly by oreads from the elemental plane of earth the land above ground is unsuitable for habitation and farming, but the earth underneath is excellent for the oreads underground cities. Many oreads are fleeing the current cataclysm that is happening in the elemental plane of earth and thanks to Gatiyara being an ambassador in Sunreach already allowed them to quickly and easily enter Sunreach society.   Helmlund is a vassal province colonized almost exclusively by orcs and half orcs. The orcs keep to the forests and maintain their traditions in return for paying taxes and assisting in the defense of Sunreach. The orcs helped defeat Myzorock and knew that if they didn't join anti-orc sentiments may get out of hand and cause friction between the two and would be far better if they joined early. They follow the constitution outside of their forests, but still in their forests they follow the way of the Uruk.   Northmarch is one of the most desolate of the provinces. The northern portion of Northmarch is covered in a swamp and is not suited for habitation. On the border of the swamp sits the fort of Kislev and the Hellknight stronghold of New Erebus. The Hellknights are a boogeyman of many of the citizens of Sunreach and their methods of punishment for crimes are thought to be some of the worst ways to die. Only the worst criminals of Sunreach are sent to New Erebus and are a threat for the rest to stay in line. In the foothills of the Troll Crags sit Cragfoot, a worker camp which mines the rich iron veins in the hills. The camp is filthy and dirty, but provide good work for those who need it or to force criminals to work there to pay off their crimes.   The Sea of Grass isn't so much of a province as it is a large swath of land for Praetorian Jugovich to herd his Oliphants. The entire province is dedicated to feeding and growing these massive beasts which Jugovich intends to turn into beasts of war. For administrative reasons it is usually thought to be apart of the Plains of Barathord due to the extremely low population.   Albion is more of a nature preserve created by Sentinel Gawain Kronsieg to eventually create elven style cities that are in union with nature. For the time being the town of Mossport in the hidden lake is the only town of significance there apart from the underwater city that is recovering from the sahuagin attack. Mossport citizens stick mostly to the waters.   Shelo-car is another mostly orc province that is a continuation of their holy plains. The orcs spend time there worshiping their gods and ancestors as well as practicing their combat prowess.   The Wild woods is the last province. The Wild Woods have next to no citizens living there are are considered untamed. Most citizens avoid these dense woods filled with dangerous creatures as it is difficult to create any settlements there that would be considered productive or profitable. Many rangers and hunters go in there to hunt creatures for pelts and meat.  
Map of the territories and settlements of Sunreach


Sunreach's main military force is its legion. The legion consists of basic foot soldiers from the lowly velite up to their commanding centurion and to the Legate Maximus who is responsible for the coordination of larger forces. Legions are raised by the vassals and governors of Sunreach and can be requested to serve by the sentinels or the Legate Maximus to protect or expand its borders.   Augmenting the legions are a variety of auxiliary troops from the Pillar of Dawn, House of Eternal Hunt, The Shadows, The University of the State of SunReach, the University of the Sun, the Sunreach Institute of Technology and Engineering and several other smaller and newer organization. They augment the very standardized legions to accomplish specific tasks and help fight enemies or solve problems they are specialized in dealing with. Sunreach's military operates with its standardized legions to provide a baseline any commander can work with to deal with broad general tasks and supplemented to deal with specialized jobs by the variety of auxiliaries.

Heus, scitote in sole geritur. Noli timere: exaudivit enim contingit quod accendimur. Sed admonitus esset inimicus ut faciem solis acie fugi inusto nulla

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kingdom of the Sun
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Parent Organization
Related Professions
Controlled Territories
Manufactured Items
Related Items
Organization Vehicles


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