Helmlund Organization in Marhalla | World Anvil
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The province of Helmlund is the province organized for the orc vassals. The half-helm tribe is in charge of the province and maintain their traditions while in the forests. The orcs are very traditional and tribal and in return for paying taxing and joining Sunreach they could maintain their traditions while in their forests. Helmlund is the one province in Sunreach that doesn't follow the constitution and instead follows the Law of the Uruk. The orcs will help Sunreach and a few have even started to properly join Sunreach's military as auxiliaries at the proving grounds in the village of Barathor.   Another interesting point of Helmlund in return for joining Sunreach and submitting themselves to their rule is they are allowed Uruk-Vosha, their capital city, as a location in which no outsiders unless invited in are allowed to enter. Uruk-Vosha is peculiar because it is a great crime to bring any weapons into and if spotted with weapons inside of Uruk-Vosha every orc within the city will attempt to kill that individual. Due to this reason and wanting to keep individuals from provoking hostilities between the orcs and Sunreach proper, the sentinels set a zone around the city for no non-orcs to enter and set it up as an extrajudicial city within the borders of Sunreach. They still pay taxes and will help defend the borders of Sunreach, but are allowed to follow their own laws and customs.


The orcs are ruled by the strongest. The current ruler of the half-helm tribe is Rul'nak, grandson of Myzorock. He has taken control on virtue of being the strongest in the eyes of the orcs, but he is also a very cunning individual able to start the process of integrating orcs into Sunreach society to prevent them from eventually being destroyed as Sunreach expands and surrounds them.
Geopolitical, Province
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

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