Lictor Military Formation in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Lictors are the bodyguards for officials of Sunreach. They hold their shields high and use them to protect those they are charged to defend. They spend their days practicing wielding their shields and taking blows meant for those they stand next to. Lictors pride themselves in intercepting attacks before they hit the individual they are protecting.



Lictors are not extremely numerous as they are an elite trained force and as such the training process takes a long time and not everyone is willing or capable of completing it. Like their Exarch counterparts the lictors most elite are capable of using mythic powers, of these there are 13. Beneath them are a few dozen who they have trained up, just as much of a bulwark as they but without the powers gained after the battle with Myzorock. The lictors are a fairly small force of bodyguards because of the training required to become one and not just any ordinary person can complete it.


Lictors are known by their massive golden shield. They stand tall and always on alert ready for the next threat to their charge. Like most Sunreach soldiers they wear Lorica Segmentata, but instead of the usual tower shield of the legionnaires they wield a heavy golden legionnaire shield, but carry the stnadard longsword. The mythic Lictors carry with them cubes of force in situations where the number of enemies are too great and they need to buy extra time for reinforcements. They also carry with them healing potions and scrolls in case they need to heal themselves or the person they are protecting. They also carry rings of transposition to switch places with their charge in case they get separated and their charge gets surrounded.


Lictors entire goal is to make sure damage does not come to their charge. Once they are assigned to protect a sentinel or Sunreach official they designate that person as their united defense. So long as they stand next to the person they're defending their shield protects them from most physical attacks and if any attacks do manage to get past their shield they are able to throw their bodies in front of the attack taking the strike instead of their charge.


Lictors, after being chosen to become one, spend months training with the fellow Lictors. The training is long and brutal requiring both physically and mentally demanding tasks. The lictors are given a charge through the entire ordeal and are required to not allow that charge to be hit. At any point there could be an attack and the lictors have to constantly be ready to block the strike from hitting their charge. It is not until a strike has not hit their charge for an entire month that they are allowed to begin protecting Sunreach officials.
Overall training Level


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