Lorica Segmentata Item in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Lorica Segmentata

The armor invented by the Brother's of iron to protect the soldiers of Sunreach. Wanting to distinguish them from the rest of the world and give their soldiers iconic armament they forged the Lorica Segmentata. Reminiscent of armor from the empire before Dorwine, the armor is colored with the blue and burnt orange of Sunreach.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Lorica Segmentata isn't designed to stop a blow, it is designed to lessen the impact. It is designed to turn arrows and bolts from a shot that would pierce them to blunt trauma impact that is much easier to heal. The armor isn't as good at preventing hits as full-plate, but it is better at making sure the attacks that do hit aren't lethal. It also helps to turn small weapons into blunt impact, but not heavier weapons or two-handed weapons. The metal plates that constitute the armor overlap each other and make it harder for ranged and smaller weapons to penetrate turning a piercing hit into a nonlethal, but still painful, bruise.


It is the armor of Sunreach, used by its legions to defeat Myzorock and capture the plains of Barathord. The armor is also used by two of the Sentinels of the Blazing Sun the rulers of Sunreach, Lucius and Percy. The armor is attached to the image of the Sunreach Legionnaire at this point as the strongest and most imposing are always seen wearing it making the two inseparable.
Item type
Owning Organization
The armor is quite ubiquitous in Sunreach as it is distributed to a large portion of Sunreach's troops.
30 lbs
Base Price
6000 gp
Raw materials & Components
Most Lorica Segmentata is made of steel, but some of the more impressively forged ones are created using mithral or sunsilver. The metal is forged into strips of overlapping metal protecting the torso and the sword arm.


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