Madeline Rhodes Character in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Madeline Rhodes

Madeline Rhodes

One of the servants Scire Perpetuum brought from her dwelling in Ardin, Madeline Rhodes quickly showed her intelligence and aptitude in dealing with kingdom affairs. She became the councilor of Sunreach. She deals with the day to day problems of the citizens hearing their requests and complaints letting the sentinels know of issues that need to be dealt with before they become a problem

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Madeline started out as a simple servant to Scire, but quickly made herself an invaluable asset to Sunreach. Starting as a simple scribe to Scire she now virtually runs the day to day business of Sunreach and takes care of a multitude of issues that pop up. She came from humble beginnings making her an excellent choice for the sentinels as she understands the plights of everyday citizens. She is truly able to understand the problems the people are having so the Sentinels can address them properly and not make the citizens feel alienated.


Madeline has received little to no formal education and has had to learn all of the things necessary to be an effective councilor on the job. She took to the position quickly learning everything quickly and rarely making the same mistake twice showing her ability to learn and adapt.


Madeline is the Councilor of Sunreach. The Councilor acts as a liaison between the citizenry and the other kingdom leaders, parsing requests from the commonwealth and presenting the leaders’ proclamations to the people in understandable ways. It is the Councilor’s responsibility to make sure the Ruler is making decisions that benefit the kingdom’s communities and its citizens. The Sentinels are very pleased with her job as councilor as she does her task very effectively. She is loyal to the Sentinels for promoting her to such an important position as she used to be a servant allowing the Sentinels to trust her.
Current Location
Aligned Organization


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