Council of Alternates Organization in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Council of Alternates

The Council of Alternates is the group of people who rule Sunreach when the Sentinels of the Blazing Sun are indisposed. They are there to run Sunreach when the Sentinels are out of the nation, which is rather frequently. Most of the people on the council of alternates are praetorian with only a few exceptions.


The council members are all equal on paper, but it is known which of the members have more pull within the organization. Each has an equivalent voice, but some voices are listened to more intently than others. They all work beneath the Sentinels and any decisions made by the council can be repealed immediately by two sentinels if they want. The council is the second most powerful group in Sunreach below the sentinels, but above just being a praetorian.

Public Agenda

The council tries to represent the Sentinels interest in matters within Sunreach. Most of the members on the council know the sentinels fairly well and can make good educated guesses on what they would do about a situation. The sentinels are busy and as such are more than willing to allow the council to run the nation for the most part. They only step in when they want something specific to get done. All of the Council of Alternate members come from a variety of walks of life throughout Sunreach in an attempt to best represent the plurality of people who live in the nation.

Demography and Population

The current members of the Council of Alternates are: Madeline Rhodes, Raiche Darkmayne, Sir Corvin Lancaster, Dunamod Longstride, Gatiyara Earthsong, Jason Volker, Roland Sunborn, Walter Bulivant, Feanor Illsifid, Felton Salt, Willheim No-Name, Jameson Smith, Rul’nak, Alice the lucky, Gowther Bloodbrow, Esabelle the Swift, one of Council of Elders of Mayford (Fryderyk Klitchkov, Amanda Brenton and Heinrick Crowley), and one Demarchy member elected from Elmwood. [18 members]
Geopolitical, City council
Government System
Parent Organization
Notable Members

Articles under Council of Alternates


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