Sunreach Settlement in Marhalla | World Anvil
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The city of Sunreach is the capital of the nation of Sunreach. Founded as a simple keep on the confluence of three large rivers the keep slowly began to gain a population of people settling around the keep until it expanded into the large city that it is today. Sunreach has become a center for learning and commerce in recent days. Aided by the help of a powerful and wealthy mage named Raiche Darkmayne who formed the University of the Sun which quickly became a prestigious magical college filled with powerful and knowledgeable headmasters as well as Jameson Sunborn a wealthy merchant from the city of Rax who created a large and expansive marketplace with merchants from all over Golarion selling a wide variety of goods including powerful magical artifacts from the University of the Sun. People have flocked to the city of Sunreach either just to visit this rapidly expanding nations capital city or to find work and call it their new home. Sunreach has quickly urbanized and become a populous city fed by the farms and mill from the city up the river known as Milltown. Sunreach welcomes all who wish to forget their old lives and make a new fresh start in Sunreach. Sunreach is welcoming of all and is fair to all so long as people who come follow the laws as laid out in the Constitution of Sunreach.   The city of Sunreach is split into three sections by the massive rivers that it hugs. There are set bridges over the rivers, but the citizens of Sunreach have an interesting method of crossing it by creating temporary wooden bridges so as not to obstruct the ships that transport goods and people up and down the rivers.


Sunreach is ruled by the Sentinels of the Blazing Sun as well as must follow the laws stated in the constitution of Sunreach


The city of Sunreach is surrounded by several massive walls created by oreads who specialize in forming and molding earth. These walls are manned and guarded by the legions of Sunreach responsible for defeating the threat that was Myzorock. In recent days the city is also guarded by massive golems produced by the University of the Sun called Legatus Mechanatus. These massive constructions are formidable in appearance, but incredibly kind to the citizens of Sunreach. Raise their ire however and they become deadly juggernauts of destruction.

Industry & Trade

Sunreach is a center for the creation of magical items from the University of the Sun. The markets of Sunreach also create a vareity of finished goods from the raw resources imported from the frontier towns in the plains of Barathord. Sentinel Gawain Kroensieg also co-owns a brewery with Praetorian Anet known as Dragon-Hammer Brewery which makes a significant amount of ale and some spirits. Sentinel Scire Perpetuum also has a winery which makes expensive and highly sought after bloodwine. She is also the owner of Katapolis which is massive brothel which many wealthy well-to-do individuals come to from all over Golarion sometimes just for the spectale of it. A large individual by the name of Argon also owns a massive armory which makes some of the most well-crafted arms and armor in Marhalla and possibly all of Golarion.


Sunreach is a large expansive city with several notable architectural marvels such as the floating University of the Sun, the massive brothel known as Katapolis, the large inn known as the Heroes Feast, and the expansive marketplace run by Jameson Sunborn. On top of this it is dominated by the Castle which houses the Senitnels known as Kata'sol which is supported by large crystalline stairs that lead up to it causing it to look as though it is floating over the center of the three rivers. The city is the beginning of the railroad which stretches from Sunreach to the geographical center of the nation in Markland until it ends in the Northern mining village of Cragfoot.


The city of Sunreach is on plains and surrounds the confluence of three massive rivers. The city extends in all three directions, but the largest is the south east side of Sunreach which is the initial portion that was settled. The terrain is temperate and comfortable for most races to live it.
Large city
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