Signatis Military Formation in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Paladin and Oracle Hybrids, the Signatis are armored healing tanks that control the battlefield and smite Evil foes. They also carry a bevy of spells specializing in buffing allies and improving resolve.



Signatis are some of the most common units within the Adherents of Dawn apart from the Sanctus Meditae. Signatis are used to deal with smaller evil threats that don't require the intervention of the Exarchs or Oriens. Signatis are far easier to become and don't require as rigorous training meaning a higher percentage of people will succeed during the training


Signatis are given a variety of gear and are far more versatile than the Exarchs and Oriens. Where they are given standardized gear the Signatis can use their funds they are given to acquire gear in a much more liberal way meaning most of the signatis have different weapons, armor, potions, etc. to deal with the tasks that they are sent to deal with. The draw back to this is if a commander requests several Signatis they may not know what type of units they are going to receive making them less desirable for large scale engagements.


Signatis are on the bottom of the totem pole of the Adherents of Dawn with only recruits below them. They are given the less glorious tasks albeit far safer. Signatis usually take commands from Exarchs or Prima Exarchs as they are the military branch of the Adherents.


Signatis tactics vary from Signatis to Signatis. Each member deals with tasks in a variety of ways meaning that a wider variety of tasks can be accomplished by a specialist dedicated to dealing with their area of expertise.


Signatis are the least trained within the Adherents of Dawn, but even then they are still well trained. Their initiation into the Signatis is still intense to make sure the member is ready to deal with the threats that they will be facing. They spend months training under Exarchs and Oriens forging them into warriors of the gods ready to protect Sunreach and its people.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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