Sunreach Trains Vehicle in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Sunreach Trains

The trains that run through Sunreach are a combination of engineering and magical enhancement. They ferry troops, material, and civilians all the way from Cragfoot to the capitol of Sunreach. They are an integral part of Sunreach's economy and reduce the need of manpower and time to transport the goods and people.

Power Generation

Trains can be powered both magically or mechanically. In the case of magic power generation a crystal filled with magic energy is placed within the motor allowing it to spin. The magic crystal lasts longer than mechanical options, but the crystal has an expensive upfront cost. The other way is to provide the engine with burning coal. This option moves the train slower than using magic crystals as well as needing to be refilled far more often, but is cheaper than creating the magic crystals. In either case the propulsion is rated to tow 8 cars each capable of carry around 80 tons of goods. In the case of passenger cars they can fit 50 people per car comfortably or up to 75 in emergencies.
Owning Organization
20,000 gp
8 cars long on average, average car length of 55'
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
80 tons per car or 50 passengers per car


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