Sunreach Institute of Technology and Engineering Organization in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Sunreach Institute of Technology and Engineering

Located in Lastop, the Institute is the center for technological advancement in Sunreach. Known by its acronym SITE the center develops technological marvels and unlike Anath, the city from Dorwine they came from, they are willing to use magic to enhance their creations. SITE is most known for their involvement in creating the base for legatus mechanatus that are sent to the University of the Sun to be enchanted as well as maintaining and improving the Sunreach train system. SITE only has minor magical prowess and work closely with the university to further enchant their creations.


SITE was created by Corvin Lancaster as a center for technological creation with magical influence. Corvin was banned from Anath for using magic to enhance his creations as Anath believed that using magic was cheating and shouldn't be used. Corvin is the leader of SITE now and works closely with the University of the Sun. He freely allows the use of magic to enhance their creations.

Public Agenda

SITE is attempting to blend technology and magic in order to fabricate a base creation that can work on its own, but then is empowered by magic. The train system is an excellent example of this, the train works on its own but is far slower and unreliable. Thanks to the magical enhancements from the University of the Sun it is able to travel far faster and with far fewer breakdowns.
Educational, Scientific Institute
Alternative Names
SITE or Sun Tech
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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