
Patavig is the second of the Macedon system's giant terrestrial planets, and by far the more interesting. Most of the surface is covered by a vast sea of liquid ammonia, in which a unique aquatic ammonia-based biosphere has developed. While the frozen continents are largely bereft of life, a rich bounty of complex organisms — many larger than a human — flourish in the chilly, toxic seas.   While dreadfully inhospitable to humans, Patavig is suitable for colonization by the volus. Negotiations between the Systems Alliance and the volus' patrons, the Turian Hierarchy, have made good progress.  
  • Terrain: Frozen plains and Mountains with Cool Oceans
  • Radius: 10,529 km
  • Day Length: 30.4 Standard Hours
  • Orbital Period: 69.8 Standard Years
  • Orbital Distance: 11.3 AU
  • Atmospheric Pressure: 22.4 atm
  • Surface Temp: -75 Celsius
  • Surface Gravity: 1.6 G
  • Mass: 4.328 Earth Masses
  • Population: None
  • System/Star: Macedon
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