
Sharjila has a very dense atmosphere of ammonia and oxygen. Its temperate surface is mainly composed of alumina with deposits of sulfur. Sharjila has an extensive silicon-based, oxygen-breathing ecology. Heavily populated areas are covered with fine silica (silicon dioxide) dust, the respiratory by-product of the world's higher animal forms. High-speed surface winds, often laden with abrasive silica dust, present a hazard. In areas where the wind deposits a great deal of silica, footing can be treacherous. EVAs are discouraged.  
  • Terrain: Temperate Mountains and Highlands
  • Radius: 5,693 km
  • Day Length: 40.6 Standard Hours
  • Orbital Period: 1 Standard Year
  • Orbital Distance: 0.667 AU
  • Atmospheric Pressure: 39.16 atm
  • Surface Temp: 25 Celsius
  • Surface Gravity: 0.9 G
  • Mass: 0.712 Earth Masses
  • Population: None
  • System/Star: Macedon
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