
Distant Pharos has seen only a cursory examination by an unmanned probe. It has a trace atmosphere of nitrogen and argon. Its surface is mainly composed of tin with deposits of carbon. Deeper craters have been partly filled by ice, suggesting there may be a significant amount of water locked up beneath its frozen surface. A large, ice-bright crater in the southern hemisphere makes the planet visible from the inner system, leading to the planet's name.  
  • Terrain: Ice
  • Radius: 7,623 km
  • Day Length: 47.4 Standard Hours
  • Orbital Period: 275.4 Standard Years
  • Atmospheric Pressure: 0.04 atm
  • Surface Temp: -176 Celsius
  • Surface Gravity: 0.9 G
  • Mass: 1.276 Earth Masses
  • Population: None
  • System/Star: Athens
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