
Like the hanar homeworld, Proteus has more than 90% oceanic cover. The incredible heat thrown off from Athens raises global humidity to 100%, creates constant cloud cover, and powers colossal typhoons that rage across the surface year-round. Hot, humid, and storm-wracked, Proteus' rare combination of oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere and carbon-based biosphere nevertheless recommend it for colonization. A pilot program is studying the possibility of colonies below the ocean surface, safe from the worst effects of the weather.  
  • Terrain: Warm Oceans and Tropical Islands
  • Radius: 10,210 km
  • Day Length: 51.4 Standard Hours
  • Orbital Period: 4.9 Standard Years
  • Atmospheric Pressure: 1.21 atm
  • Surface Temp: 34 Celsius
  • Surface Gravity: 1.3 G
  • Mass: 3.307 Earth Masses
  • Population: 12,470
  • Capital: Ithaka
  • Colony Founded: 2179 CE
  • System/Star: Athens
Location under
Owning Organization


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