
A standard hydrogen-helium gas giant, the methane gas giant, the methane in Sharblu’s atmosphere gives it an azure hue. The Asari crew who initially surveyed the system (during Earth’s 17th century) named Sharblu after a then-popular soprano. The singer was renowned for her unusual skin tone, which was quite similar to that of the planet. Sharblu is too small to be a "standard hydrogen-helium gas giant". In addition its 17.8 sol-mass star cannot have formed before 7.48 million years ago. It is too hot to attract ices. It is more likely a superterrestrial protoplanet. The clear gasses in its atmosphere will suffice to induce a Rayleigh scattering effect and an appearance of deep blue (with clouds).  
  • Terrain: Gas Giant
  • Radius: 43,342 km
  • Day Length: 1,711.0 Standard Years
  • Orbital Period: 1,711.0 Standard Years
  • Orbital Distance: 373.63 AU
  • Population: None
  • System/Star: Gorgon
Location under
Owning Organization


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