
Wuo is a terrestrial planet only known from scan data picked up by unmanned probes. Though over 76 AU from the blue giant Gorgon, temperatures in Wuo’s orbit are still dangerously high. Only ships with very powerful heat radiating systems can venture that deep into the system. Fortunately, Wuo is not a terribly interesting world. It has a thin atmosphere of nitrogen and methane, and the scorching surface is mainly composed of alumina with deposits of platinum. The world is tidally locked to Gorgon, leaving the sunward side scorched and irradiated wasteland, and the dark side a frigid and ice-crusted.  
  • Terrain: Scorched Rock
  • Radius: 6,959 km
  • Day Length: 158 Standard Years
  • Orbital Period: 158 Standard Years
  • Orbital Distance: 76.4 AU
  • Atmospheric Pressure: 0.44
  • Surface Temp: 1157 Celsius
  • Surface Gravity: 0.66 G
  • Mass: 0.78 Earth Masses
  • Population: None
  • System/Star: Gorgon
Location under
Owning Organization


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