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Session 14: Abbey Isle Report

Secrets Revealed

General Summary

Virion gets a shit-ton of alcohol, and is questioned by Gun as to why so much alcohol is needed. Virion explains that he is stocking up for future voyages: 5 barrels of ale (200 gallons) and 12 bottles of fine wine (One metric frathouse). Gun and Virion both have crop-tops showing off their abs.

They meet the other officers, and - along with Oceanus - set sail for the Isla de Ciutros. A heavy gale hits the ship on the way, but the officers, crew, and party are more than able to help. During the first day of travel, Melody asks Mystan how to "deal with Virion"; she feels that their differences are important, but that she doesn't want to be so abbrasive. Mystan is a little stuck, but suggests interrogating what causes this conflict between them. Melody explains that it seems Virion ought to hate the empire, and Mystan responds that while he cannot speak for Virion, he can say that within the Raan Dynasty, the empire is part of their heirarchy now. Mystan grew up with a fused Empire-Dynasty system. Maybe Virion did too? He also asks her what her goal is with challenging Virion. Melody conceeds that she doesn't... have much of a plan; she often lashes out in anger with no plan or goal.

Oceanus walks in and causes more silly romantic antics, and gives Melody advice to stop lying to people about Mystan x Virion for fun. Oceanus, unprompted, apologizes to Virion with no context given.

Virion then heads to Mystan's quaters - he was planning to anyways - and discusses the rumors Melody has created in Seaton. They discuss the incident with Oceanus and Melody - Virion interprets this as the usual rumor mill grabbing onto his love life (the "worst kept secret in Seaton"). The pair agrees they are not dating, and brainstorm how to deal with this PR nightmare, trying to prevent Mystan from being overwhelemed by any spotlight bullshit. They can't really undo the rumor, but Mystan wants to focus on the mission so they drop the subject.

The ship arrives at the Isla de Ciutros. They are greeted by Major Ursa, who explains the island and Fishcod asks what Seals are, learning that they are "dogs with flippers".

Melody's plan is to have Virion & Fishcod fire magic from the boat, while Melody & Mystan assault on the shore. Oceanus, meanwhile, would patrol the water. Fishcod disagrees, and wants to climb the cliffs, assaulting the seals from above. Fishcod insults Melody's wife, and a fight nearly breaks out. The agreement is to have Fishcod and Virion scale the cliffs and assault from the hills, while Melody, Mystan, and Oceanus attack from the shore.

They approach from the western face, scaling the nearer shores. After several failures - though no injuries thanks to Feather Fall - they get up to the top, finally. As Major Ursa sails away, they come face to face with Bayleaf, who is curious as to who and why they are hear. They explain they're here to investigate the seal dunes. Bayleaf takes them to Ozymandias, who introduces them to Olivia and Lilian. A tense conversation reveals that they are a cult dedicated to water as a force of life and death. Lilian and Olivia are much more hostile than Ozymadius, and they briefly meet Ovidio, who desperately wants to leave. All of the cultists - as well as parts of the remains of the building - have this symbol worked into their clothing or jewlery somehow.
Sign of Elemental Evil Water by Wizards of the Coast
After some disucssion, the water cultists realize that Fishcod knows abyssal and is affiliated with "the Lady of Mushrooms". Ozymandius brings Fishcod down to the library, and has them translate some sacred texts partially in abyssal.

Meanwhile, the boat party realizes Fishcod and Virion have taken too long, and sending Bimz up to see the isle. Seeing a group of people, they realzie the isle is inhabited and come along to the rocks, sending Bimz to try and get their attention. Virion, Bayleaf, and Lilian eventually follow Bimz, and there is a joyous reunion between Lilian and Melody - who are wives, and respectively thought one another were dead. The ensuing conversation is tense, as Lilian sees Melody as a collaborator for working with Eliander, Virion, and Mystan. Of note is that Lilian knows of the fossilized egg Melody is carrying, and was very interested in obtaining it.

Below in the library, Fishcod works on translating parts of the cult's holy texts from Abyssal to Common. Much of it is in Aquan and a third language they do not understand. The text largely concerns hymnals to water overcoming the other elements, the floodings of settlements, and refrences to aquatic elements of the abyss - including, notably, Dagon and Demagorgon - in addition, there are a few spells concerning the summoning of water-associated demons (such as Wastriliths) as well as a litany of strange sigils. After flipping through, they find that the final abyssal passage of the fifth book reads:

The Father hath created us all, and we are his greatest servants. The flood will consume the fire and the earth, the air and the dark; death and rebirth are nothing compared to the Water's rage.

Back on the surface, Melody promises to discuss her "collaboration with the enemy" with Lilian, and the party (sans Fishcod, but with Oceanus) discusses the dire situation. Virion has realized that the "Lady of Mushrooms" is none other than Zuggtmoy, and Mystan knows her cult must be annihilated. Oceanus recongizes the Cult of the Crushing Wave for what it is, and Melody grows increasingly worried about her wife's safety (and sanity). They agree to try and use the Sleep spell to knock Lilian and Fishcod (the party is unaware of their drow heratige) out and escape the isle with them in tow for later questioning. The party then returns to their guards and waits by the garden for Fishcod's return.

Ozymandius questions Fishcod's investigation, and they reveal their Matron had requested they retrieve a Decanter of Endless Water from the isle. Ozymandius happily agrees to supply them with one in exchange for the translations, and if Fishcod would transport Ovidio off the isle to contact the rest of their organization. Fishcod agrees, saying that while they cannot get Ovidio off with the party, they will return to translate more and transport Ovidio later. Swearing on their Matron, Ozymandius accepts those terms and gives the decanter to Fishcod. The pair return to the surface, where Lilian immediately informs Ozymandius of Captain Fireborn's plans for a FOB on the isle, and Melody casts Sleep at second level. Two acolytes in the range fall unconscious, but Ozymandius, Fishcod, and Lilian are unaffected.

Initiative is rolled, and the session ends.

Rewards Granted

Fishcod acquired the Decanter of Endless Water

Missions/Quests Completed

Melody finally found Lilian, though not exactly in the way she wanted.

Character(s) interacted with

Crew of the Sea Ghost:
Mariner's Guild:

Cult of the Crushing Wave:
  • Ozymandias
  • Ovidio
  • Olivia
  • Lilian Turin

Other NPCs:
Ghosts of Saltmarsh Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Melody Rose Hazel Turen
Neutral Good Forest Gnome (Hermit)
Bard 3
12 / 18 HP
Virion Sylvenne
C/N Wood Elf (Noble)
Wizard 2
7 / 12 HP
Co'oquilan Mystan
Bronze Dragonborn (Acolyte)
Cleric 3
10 / 24 HP
Report Date
25 Apr 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: Brightfalls_14.06 by Krivio
This article has no secrets.


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