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Calamity of Nature (a.k.a. Dave)

The Calamity of Nature, Dave was cursed by Enreic to take the form of a flower. He was eventually recruited by the Court of Misfits. He was slain in the Techno-War shortly before the advent of The Collective One.

Physical Description

Body Features

His natural form is believed to be that of a giant, thorny plant beast, but this is just speculation after the invasion of Nenu-Lan.

Facial Features

The head of his Calamity-form appeared as a giant, white sunflower-like plant, but with an open maw with thorns like jagged teeth.

Special abilities

"Dave"'s main ability was that each day, he constantly shifted into a different living creature, including various plant forms. Sometimes, this proved very beneficial to the guild, but other days, he might require a caretaker, such as when turned into a flower or even a fish. In all forms however, he retained his ability to cast small amounts of druidic magic and the ability to manipulate plant life. He could temporarily force his form into the shape of his desire, but the curse would always return him to a set form after a short amount of time.   Once his power returned to him, he was able to shake the earth, call massive vines, contort the wooden parts of weapons, and control his body expertly. Unfortunately, his new form was rather weak to fire, and the combined efforts of two flame-breathing dragons were able to inflict deadly wounds upon him. It is speculated that if he had survived the battle, he would have continued to grow into a massive threat to the world, doubly so if he had been absorbed into the hive-mind of the Collective One.

Specialized Equipment

The guild was able to graft a shapespeech amulet onto "Dave", allowing him to communicate no matter what form he was forced to take. He also aquirred a headband that help empower his plant magic, and allowed him to grow goodberries.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a Calamity Beast, the exact origins of "Dave" are unknown. At some point around the year 3,500 A.C. he rampaged near the newly established Shapebirth. Eventually, the new god Enreic sought to intervene, cursing the creature to constantly shift between different forms. Defeated, it retreated into a cave near the location that would eventually become Nenu-Lan. There, it was able to find a magical flower that was able to suppress its most of its curse, although its presence would still warp the creatures and plant life of the cave, eventually earning it the moniker of the "Cave of Curses". He would rest there until the year 4,100, slowly loosing his memories about what he truly was, until the Nenu-Lan guild, the Court of Misfits, would delve into the cave in search of the curse-repelling flower. Not willing to give up his prized possession, he at first threatened to destroy it rather than let them take it, but was eventually convinced to give it up in exchange for membership within the guild and the promise to help him regain his lost memories and negate his curse. He would serve as a monstrous protector of the guildhall, the Rat King's Cellar, until the onset of the tech war and the invasion of Nenu-Lan by a large coalition of forces. During the stress of battle and using both the influence of the changeling Leah's magic and the subconscious effect of the slowly awakening Collective One, his memories returned, and his full powers were restored. He shapeshifted into a massive viny thorn monster, and inflicted horrendous casualties on the invading side, but was eventually slain in an intense duel with a dragon.


"Dave" was mostly employed as a monstrous protector of the Court's guildhall, as his constant forced shapeshifting made it difficult for him to travel. When his form allowed, such as in the form of a bird, he would occasionally be sent out on scouting missions.

Accomplishments & Achievements

At the highest point of his power as a Calamity Beast, "Dave" was able to challenge the newly ascended god Enreic, and even survived the battle, although he was never sure if Enreic really couldn't kill him, and instead choose to spare him on purpose. During the invasion of Nenu-Lan, he single-handedly decimated the front-line attackers from both the Welthrone and Tar-Dorol armies, and even slew two dragons, although he succumbed to his wounds after the battle with the second.

Failures & Embarrassments

"Dave" was defeated by the new god Enreic, and spent half a century hiding and recovering, to the point where he lost much of his memories and powers. He felt constant humiliation at his shapeshifting curse, especially when transformed into something helpless that needed assistance, such as a fish.

Personality Characteristics


"Dave's" original sole motivation was only to break his curse and restore his memories, but the kindness shown to him by the Court of Misfits eventually gave him the motivation to fight for his friends, and even helped to reawaken his powers.

Representation & Legacy

In the aftermath of the Techno-War, many were confused about why the Calamity of Nature fought on the side of the notably unnatural city of Nenu-Lan. This has led many druids to reevaluate their harsh anti-technology stance.   As a Calamity Beast, many believe that he will one day have his Calamity reawaken, and some are even attempting to bargin with the Iron City in hopes of preparing for that day.
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ace of Shapes.
Date of Death
2nd of Ixa, 4100
3500 4100 600 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Cursed by a god
Circumstances of Death
Slain in battle
Changeable at will
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Druidic, Sylvan, Maran Common, and the ability to speak with plants and animals


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