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Enreic (En-ree-k)

The Saint of Shapeshifters

Once a mortal berserker, Enreic was challenged to live a full lifetime as each creature ze had ever slain, without losing zirs sanity. When ze completed zis trial thousands of years later, ze was reborn as the god of Shapeshifters.

Divine Domains

Enreic has domain over transmutation and polymorph magic, with many of zirs followers able to shapeshift themselves and transform items.   Ze grants zis divine followers access to the Animal, Chaos, Good, Liberation, and Luck Domains, as well as the Fur, Imagination, Protean, Redemption, Self-Realization, and Whimsy subdomains.


Enreic's old axe, the Axe of the First Berserker, is rumored to have been split in two, with the shaft hidden away deep in the wilds by the Alpha, and the axe head held in the sanctum of Leoaton. It is believed that reforging the axe will bestow a creature with great power, but strip away their reasoning and cause them to enter a frenzied rage.   Two common magical items often utilized by the follower of Enreic are known as the polymorphic pouch, a pouch that adjusts to a new form and that allows its wearer to access the contents within magically; and the shapespeech amulet, an amulet that allows the wearer to speak telepathically, allowing for those who take more unique forms, such as plants or creatures that lack vocalization skills the ability to still communicate.

Holy Books & Codes

Enreic's holy book is known as The Value of Forms, which describes zis journey throughout zirs various lives and how ze came to have a change of heart. It also acts as a biology book of sort, describing the forms of countless creatures and how they live. The book decries the wanton violence of zirs past, stating that killing should only be used for hunting and in the protection of ones own life.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Enreic's holy symbol is a molting caterpillar cocoon, with the caterpillar just beginning to emerge.

Tenets of Faith

Enreic bides that all of zirs followers keep open minds, fight against racism, and work to help others find their place and form in the world.   Enreic's holy code is as followers
  • I will temper my anger, as rage can lead to unimaginable suffering.
  • I will be open minded about the views of others - everyone has experienced different things and those experiences have shaped them so.
  • I will always strive to try new things, as long as those things do not bring harm to others.
  • I will treat nature with respect, and work to shape the natural world in a positive way.
  • I will respect that what is on the inside is what is important; I will not judge a creature based solely on its appearance or background.
  • I understand that no form is permanent, and that eventually life must pass to a new form. I will not hold onto my grief for those no longer here.


As most of Enreic's followers are druids, they often celebrate solstices, equinoxes, and other natural celestial events, but celebrate The Completion on the 15th of Amara, which is the day of Enriec's ascension to a full deity. For those with shapeshifting abilities, it is a day to celebrate a new form, and many try to line up their schedule so that they change into a new form when under the Experience of All Life spell.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Enreic's main goal is to help convince others to experience new things and to change their way of life in a positive manner. Ze also acts as a steward of nature, aiding the Alpha and other nature deities in defending against those who would corrupt the natural world.

Physical Description

Body Features

Enreic is usually depicted as a Vatan human, but as the god of shapeshifters is capable of taking any form, and is even rumored to be able to take the form of other deities. Some even believe that ze sometimes walks the world, constantly changing zis form to avoid detection.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eneric was born a normal mortal berserker, in the ancient pre-Separation Vala tribes, when humanity had first bloomed after their creation. Ze soon became the greatest warrior of the Human race, but soon grew bored with life as a protector of a tribe and wandered to seek greater challenges. This desire for challenge soon grew into an uncontrollable bloodlust, and ze began to rampage across the land, slaying any creature that crossed zis path, from the mightiest of orcs to the lowest of ants. Eventually, the destruction was so great that it attracted the attention of the Alpha, the god of Beasts, who could no longer stand by while its creations were harmed so pointlessly. The two of them fought briefly, their battle causing catastrophic damage. Leoaton, the Celestial Paragon of Diplomats, decided to intervene in the battle, offering a challenge to Eneric, backed by the Alpha's divine power; if Enriec could live a full lifetime as a member of every race ze had ever slain with zirs mind intact, ze would prove zemself the superior being. Delighted at the prospect of the challenge, Eneric accepted, and was transformed into the first thing ze had ever killed, a caterpillar that ze had stepped on long ago as a child.   The legend of Eneric then faded into Vala myth, but in 3,400 AC, a glowing being appeared at the Temple of the Divines, claiming to be Eneric, and was allowed to ascend the the World Tree; Ze ventured to the Alpha's realm, proving zis identity. Zirs experiences in the trial had granted zem new revelations on the nature of life, and this revelation, combined with the acceptance of the Alpha, propelled zem to full godhood.

Gender Identity

Enreic originally identified as a man, but when undergoing zis divine trial caused zem to experience life as many genders and ideas. While ze normally maintains a more male form, ze no longer identifies strongly with any particular gender.


Contacts & Relations

Enreic's herald is a large, hut-shaped mimic known as Slimehut. Rather than imitate creatures, Slimehut and other mimic followers of the Saint of Shapeshifter instead seek to try living in the shapes of as many different objects as possible.   Enreic's divine servitors are minor proteans known as Shifter Proteans, who are worm-like creatures with constantly shifting skin. These proteans can shapeshifter much more than other proteans.   Enreic has a close relationship with both the Alpha and the Celestial Paragon Leoaton, as both were pivotal to zis ascent to godhood, and is forever grateful for them taken a chance on zem.   Enreic is a stanch ally of Protos and the primal forces of Chaos, and her favored children, the proteans, often become ambassadors to the church.   Fenris, the alkan god of rage, views Enreic as a fool and a coward for turning away from anger and violence.   Ganesha, the luxan god of overcomings, sees Enreic as a rival of sorts, as both deal with change of the self, with Ganesha focusing more on controlled and incremental change.   Enreic despises Ranva, the Fiendish Lord of the Rakshasa, who similarly utilizes shapeshifting and change, but uses it for her own personal hedonisms rather than anything positive. Ze detests Velsrac in a similar manner, as she and her kyton followers often take pleasure in horribly mutilating the forms of others.

Family Ties

Being once a mortal human, Enreic is descended from the goddess Eve, the first of the Edaan, and she views his successful redemption with great pride.



Challenger (Vital)

Towards Alpha




Challenger (Important)

Towards Enreic



Divine Classification
Main Pantheon Deity
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
15th of Usa, AC (Reborn as Deity)
Year of Birth
3400 703 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Originally white
Quotes & Catchphrases
Famous aphorisms of Enriec and zis followers are as follows:   Each Life is it's Own: Said to reinforce the idea that all life is sacred, and while sometimes a life must end to fuel another's, one should never take a life needlessly and without consideration.   The Outside does not determine the Inside: Said mostly to combat racism, Enreicians often have lived in many different skins. They know that a person's true value lies only in their actions, not their appearance or origin.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Character Portrait image: by @caitlinc37


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