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Abdul Giligan Giligar

An alkan mercenary, he was hired by the Court of Misfits. His mind was eventually absorbed in The Collective One

Physical Description

Special abilities

Abdul was a raveler, a rare psychic mage who could see and manipulate the bonds of people. He honed this power during his time in prison and was able to utilize it to end his sentence early. He primarily utilized this ability to soothe his allies' burdens in the thick of combat, and to damage his enemies' spirits after a quick strike.

Specialized Equipment

Abduls' primary weapon was an enchanted rapier, creating chinks in his foes armor where is vicious jaws could than chomp down.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Abdul was born to a traditional Alkan pack, his family settling mostly on the Minya River. Like many young Alka, Abdul sought adventure and fame, and left home to seek fortune. He got involved with a violent bandit gang, an eventually got in a heated debate over a potentially mate, of which he ended up murdering his rival. Outcast from the gang, he was imprisoned in a Gurlen prison, but eventually was set free early due to good behavior. He then took up life as an honest mercenary, eventually migrating south. When he heard his former pack would be hired to help attack the technologically advanced city of Nenu-Lan, he jumped at the opportunity to get his revenge for his banishment, and quickly went to the city to offer his aid on the opposing side. He was hired as a protector for the guild the Court of Misfits, and soon became a staunch ally, finding many friends who had similar life struggles. He participated in the front lines of the battle, eventually confronting and slaying his former pack leader, Juar Swiftfoot. Unfortunately, during Operation: Starfall, his body was slain when the robotic soldiers of the city turned against him. His copy of his mind lived on in a modified Gear core, until it was absorbed by the Collective One in a successful final gambit to prevent that hive-mind from being spread to the entire world.


Abdul learned a small amount of mercantile craft from his parents in his youth, and also picked up a large amount of knowledge on brewing during his time in prison. He learned the ways of the sword on the street, utilizing his blade in a flashy manner.


Abdul spent a large amount of his formative years under the thumb of the Swiftfoot Pack, a notorious gang of bandits. After being banished from the pack, he then spent time in a Gurlen prison, honing his speech magic, and once released, sold his services as a mercenary. His final job was fighting on behalf of the city of Nenu-Lan in the latest tech-war, where he was killed in battle.

Accomplishments & Achievements

During the battle of Nenu-Lan, Abdul fought with his former master, Jaur Swiftfoot, the leader of the Swiftfoot pack, and was able to slay him in combat.

Failures & Embarrassments

Abdul lost control and slew a former pack member during a mating dispute and was faced with an unjust exile. He then challenged his pack leader, Jaur Swiftfoot, only to be quickly and decisively defeated. Not even granted a warrior's death, he was then dumped to the authorities, a great shame for a bandit. He then languished for years in a Gurlen prison.   Despite his eventual triumph over Juar Swiftfoot, he and the rest of the Court of Misfits were unable to stop Operation: Starfall, which caused all of the robots to fall under the control of Sheev, who then used them to massacre most of the Court, Abdul included.

Personality Characteristics


Abduls primary motivation was revenge against his former pack for his outcast, a task of which he eventually succeded,

Representation & Legacy

Abdul would be remembered fondly among the few surviving members of the Court of Misfits, and many alka would learn of his bravery on the front lines, sparking many to branch out and seek their own fortunes and follow thier own dreams outside of Huntslan.


Religious Views

Abdul was a stanch worshipper of Nuri, the alkan god of Dreams.
Current Status
Absorbed into the Collective One
Date of Birth
26th of Arda, 4,077 A.C.
Date of Death
34th of Ixa, 4100
4077 4100 23 years old
Circumstances of Death
Absorbed into the Collective
Sest Riverrun
Place of Death
135 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Alkan and Maran Common


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