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Azer (A-zer)

Dwarves native to the Ixuil, the fire realm, Azers lack the traditional dwarven hair and beard, instead having long manes of flame covering their face and upper torsos. These flames extend to their weapons' in battle. Enslaved to the fire giants of the City of Brass, the azer work diligently in the hopes that their masters will one day set them free.


Major language groups and dialects

Azers speak Ignan instead of Terran.

Shared customary codes and values

Azers are lawful creatures, following strict codes of honor and hierarchy. Many azer would rather bargain for their freedom rather than fight, working for years to prove their worth and word.

Average technological level

Even more than other dwarves, the azers are master craftsmen and inventors, building lumbering weapons of war for their fire giant masters.

Common Etiquette rules

While chaotic and jovial to each other in private, the azer dare not act anything other than formal in the presence of their fire giant masters or their emissaries, lest they be punished for disobedience.

Common Dress code

As an azers upper body is covered in flame, they eschew shirts, often wearing fire-resistant kilts. These kilts designate an azers social standing.

Art & Architecture

Due to their constant toil underneath the heel of the giants, many azer lack the time for any form of art; however free azer or azer that work for a giant who demands artistic creations find that they have an inner fire that ignites their passion for artistic expression. Such azer are able to forge beautiful works of metallic art, often becoming sculptors.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When an azer is born, it is immediately branded with its family's clan crest, as well as the sigil of the ruling fire giant.

Coming of Age Rites

The azer are pressed into the service of their fire giant overlords as soon as they can walk and talk.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Azers that die while in service to the fire giants are simply thrown into the City of Brasses great furnaces, while free azer often cremate their dead and spread their ashes in an area that the deceased enjoyed spending time in.

Common Taboos

Azers are born into various castes, and no azer dares try to move castes or seek to court outside of it.

Common Myths and Legends

A majority of the azer worship Ingitum, the dwarven god of the forge, as it is believed that the azer were born off the sparks of his hammer strikes as he crafted the weapons of the dwarven pantheon. Most are also forced to worship Promet, the titan of fire, by their fire giant masters.


Beauty Ideals

The azer treat their flames much like hair, and try to keep their flames looking healthy with a robust diet.

Gender Ideals

Fire giants do not concern themselves with the gender of their slaves, thus both genders are put to work toiling in their might furnaces.

Courtship Ideals

Due to their enslavement, many azer have little agency in their partner choice, often being force with someone for a night and then separated, likely to never to see that person again.

Relationship Ideals

Azer are quick to make friends among themselves, as they can all relate to what the others might go through. They often struggle even more than other dwarves to create relationships outside of their race, as they have little contact with others and many wonder why the put up with such harsh conditions.

Major organizations

Most azer serve under fire giants of the City of Brass, or toil away for them in the Blasted Pains or in attempts to expand into the surronding territories.

Random Azer Homelands  
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-50 Fire-Giant Stronghold Warsmith
51-76 Volcanic Mountain Artisan
76-94 Jungle Resilient 
95-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland Table)
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Related Locations
An azer replaces the standard dwarf traits of Greed, Hardy, and Stability, Stonecunning with the following trait:   Fire Dwarf (Su): An azer gains the Fire subtype, and deals an extra 1d6 points of fire damage whenever they deal damage with a natural attack, unarmed strike, or melee weapon.   Glowing (Ex): An azer's fiery hair gives off a glow like a torch, save that the radius is only 10 feet instead of 20. This means in most situations, an azer will always have a small amount of light and be unable to Stealth in darkness.


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