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Baru Zya

A gangster in the city of Nenu-Lan, he was recruited by the guild the Court of Misfits. He was eventually slain during the invasion of Nenu-Lan at the height of the Tech-War.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Baru always kept himself in peak physical condition, often rising in the early moring to train before patroling the slums.

Special abilities

Baru forged a connection with the god of destruction that allowed him to channel his power into his weapons and armor, as well as just unleashing destrutive energy. He could also cast a small amount of spells, mostly on himself to improve his already ferocious combat abilities.

Specialized Equipment

Baru wore a set of massive full-plate armor, and infused the armor with the magic of Rostrom, protecting him from devestating blows.   Baru's most stand-out gear was his mechanical leg, which he constructed himself. Naming it his Iron Cowl, he could utilize it for great bursts of speed as well as massive blows and even shooting jets of flame.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to poor Alnasi parents with the name Barlu Ghīlzah, Baru was heavily abused by his drunkard father and lost his mother in early childhood. He soon began to hear stories of Rostrom, the relatively new god of destruction, and began to incorporate parts of the religion into his daily life. He eventually fell under the influence of a gang run by a Rhoceni hulk named Roku, and encouraged to embrace violence, he became very unstable. After a particularly brutal spat with his father, he fought back, calling upon his lessons with Roku and beat his father to death with his bare hands. Now a murderer, Baru fully joined Roku's gang, and the gang migrated north to avoid entangling with any law enforcement looking into his father's death.   Eventually, the gang sought power at the technological city of Nenu-Lan, and Barlu changed his name to Baru, dropping his family name. Unfortunately, Roku proved to be just as brutal as his father, and after a particular incident that left his leg a shattered mess, Baru began to dream of ousting him in a similar way. The Roku gang became one of two major gangs in Nenu-Lans southern slums, the other being the Drip gang, and soon turf wars began to break out. When the newly establish guild the Court of Misfits refused to side with either gang, Baru led a small squad to attempt to intimidate the guild into submission. His forces were quickly defeated, and Baru saw a golden opportunity; he offered to help the guild draw Roku into an ambush in exchange for joining with the guild and amnesty from their new rule over the slums. The Guild agreed, and with his help, was able to lure both Roku and the Drips into an open conflict, which ended in the destruction of both gangs. Baru, now in control of the remains of the criminal belly of the slums, agreed to work for the guild permanently to keep a lid on criminal activity, eventually promoted to the Queen of Crime.   Baru fought in the front lines during the invasion of Nenu-lan during the Techno war. He helped defend the guildhall from the great dragon Therisyion, and witnessed the guildhall transform into a massive mechanical titan to fight off the dragon. Unfortunately, the guildhall couldn't withstand the assault, and it collapsed, falling on both Baru and Therisyion, killing Baru. While the dragon survived the initial impact, he followed Baru in death quickly therafter, when Kerum crashed a motor vehicle into his head, igniting a gas pocket from the sewer underneath the building, and causing a massive explosion that wiped out the dragon and the rest of the invaders in the area.


Baru lacked nearly all education, and struggled with basic reading and writing. Luckily, his job as an enforcer rarely called upon such skills. Despite this, he was still quite intelligent, and picked up many different languages during his time in the criminal underworld. After arriving in Nenu-lan, he was able to peirce together the inner workings of mechanics and cybernetics by only analyzing scraps found in the slums.


From a young age, Baru was involved in a life of crime, and never held any sort of official job until being hired by the Court of Misfits to moniter and control crime in the slums.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Baru was a strong fighter, and despite his lack of education, a cunning warrior, coming up with a plan to weaken two rival gangs by drawing them into a fight at the guildhall, where they could then be wiped out together. Without any formal training, he was able to build a cybernetic leg from scratch after his leg was destroyed by Roku, and even continued to improve on it over time.   He stood tall in the face of even the fiercest monsters, including the elder gold dragon Therisyion. While he failed to kill Therisyion, he bought valuable time for the rest of the guild to activate a failsafe to transform their guildhall into a mechanical golem that could fight on equal terms with the dragon.

Morality & Philosophy

Baru cared only for improving his strength and being entertained, and cared little for if his actions caused pain to others.


Despite his brutal manner, Baru had a soft spot for children, helping aid any youth in the slums who were struggling. He was an advocate for the hiring of Oliva Twynar, and became enraged when she was kidnapped by the Toxic Combine, going so far to attempt to storm their compound.

Personality Characteristics


Baru's original motivation was to take down Roku and gain control over the criminal elements of the slums, and he quickly succeed with the help of the Court of Misfits. Recognizing them as a source of entertainment and ample opportunities to improve his strength, he continued to work for them. Eventually, he became to view them as the family he never truly had, although he never truely admitted it.

Representation & Legacy

Baru is still remembered by the members of the Outer Slums in Nenu-Lan, both with fear and awe. His last stand against the dragon Therisyion is still spoken with awe, and greatly exaggerated. After his death and the destruction of the Court of Misfits, a new gang and subset of the Disciples of Destruction; the Disciples of Zya, has arisen in the city seeking to reestablish control and spread his belief in Rostrom.


Contacts & Relations

Baru had a fierce rivalry with another member of the Court, Fera Lels. Baru viewed her use of mind magic as cowardly and distasteful, while Fera saw him as little more than a brutish simpleton. Baru swore that one day he would "squash her like the bug she was." His instincts about her would later be proven true, as it was revealed that she was an infiltrated for the Cult of Thom the entire time, but he unfortunately never got the chance to fight her in a true battle.

Religious Views

Baru was a staunch follower of the Disciples of Destruction and the god of Destruction, Rostrom. He sought the strength to destroy anything that threatened his way of life.
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of Crime
Date of Birth
23rd of Skova, 4077 A.C.
Date of Death
3rd of Ixa, 4,100 A.C.
4077 4100 23 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain in battle
Place of Death
He / Him
210 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Ard and Maran Common, Alkan, Terran


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