Rostrom Character in Matera | World Anvil
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Rostrom (Ros-trom)

The Destroyer of Eras

The newborn God of Destruction and the one responsible for the destruction of The Rier.

Divine Domains

As the new god of destruction, Rostrom has immense physical and magical might, and imbues his followers with unrivaled but also uncontrollable power.   He grants his divine followers access to the Artifice, Chaos, Destruction, Liberation, and Strength domains, as well as the Catastrophe, Fist, Hatred, Rage, Resolve, Riot, Self-Realization, and Toil subdomains.


The only prominent piece of clothing that Rostrom always wears asides from a simple loincloth is the Starsteel Boots, a set of metal boots crafted from him by his mysterious alien creators. These boots allowed him to breathe in the vacuum of space when he was a mortal, and help him channel vast amounts of destructive kinetic energy.

Holy Books & Codes

After his ascention to godhood, Rostrom wrote a tome known as the Book of Rost, detailing the bases of his new faith. However, he lacked the patience and real drive to put much though into it, spending only around ten minutes writing it before calling it good. This leads many priests to add their own segments to their personal copies, which Rostrom seems not to care much about, granting power to anyone who even loosely follows his values.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Rostroms holy/unholy symbol is a large metal boot stomping onto the ground.

Tenets of Faith

As a god who cares little for rules and regulations, most Rostrom followers are free to do whatever they please. He views it as a persons right to go on a destructive rampage, just as it is equally the right of others to stop the rampager if they have the strength. For the most devout followers, his only code is as follows:
  • Before creation must come destruction, if I am to build, I must first destroy.
  • My first duty is to myself and I will do as I please. I will not let the rules and laws of others dictate my actions.
  • Those who wrong me are the first to be destroyed.
  • I will not back down from any challenge. If a challenge is too great, I will devote myself to overcoming it.
  • One is responsible for one's own weakness. I will carry my weight.
  • To destroy everything would leave nothing left to destroy.


The followers of Rostrom have only one major holiday, the day of his ascension, known as The Day of the Sunder. Held on the 40th of Matra, it is a day filled with celebration, drunken brawls, vandalism, and the grinding of one's enemies into dust. Rostrom also heavily encourages his followers to join in the celebrations of any other religions, simply as an excuse to get rowdy.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Rostrom's primary goal is to keep the Great Old One he has imprisoned contained, and to simply live his life as he pleases. He constantly breaks the rules of remaining out of the mortal plane, often traveling or visiting his old home, and few gods attempt to challenge him of this right.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

The most noticable feature of Rostrom is the image of the writhing mouth of the Imprisoned One which remains emblazoned on his chest. This mouth constantly clashes, as if it is attempting to rip its way out, only held back by Rostroms' sheer force of will and regenerative powers.

Special abilities

Before his ascent, Rostrom had increased agility, stamina and fortitude. He was also imbued with incredible regenerative abilities by his alien creators, as well as the ability to absorb kinetic energy as soon as it touched his skin, causing him to become immune to almost all forms of physical attacks. It is for these abilities that he was sought out by the Darkmoon Alliance and used to bring about the Sundering.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born on a world far from Matera, Rostrom was created and manipulated by strange alien overlords, and was imbued with incredible regenerative powers. They hoped to craft the ultimate weapon, but eventually he rebelled against them, causing their ship to crash into Central Matera. That ship would eventually become known as the Angra-Nenu, and the city of Nenu-Lan would be built around it.   After escaping from the wreckage, Rostrom explored his new world, but was captured by followers of The Scattered God, who hoped to utilize regenerative powers to restore the body of their lost deity. They imprisoned him underneath their tower, but he was eventually freed by a group of adventurers who delved into the tower seeking to stop a mad mage. After his escape, he devastated the tower, before his mind was wounded by magic and he fled into the wilds.   He later found and was nursed back to health by a peasant woman named Mikaela, and later he fell in love and got married to her. They enjoyed the quite life for a bit, with Rostrom taking up fishing as a hobby and leaving his previous violent life behind. Unfortunately, it was not to last, and Mikaela was killed, her murder blamed on the adventuring party known as the Band of the Sunlit Sword. This sent Rostom into a murderous wrath, and the sinister Darkmoon Alliance manipulated him into helping them in their dark task. They utilized his immense power to shatter the protective wards that kept an imprisoned Great Old One known as only as the Imprisoned One, so that the leader of the Alliance, Marath Darkon, could absorb its power an become a god.   However, in the final battle, Marath betrayed Rostrom, utilizing his body as a magical capacitor to increase his own might, relaying on Rostrom's regenerative powers to maintain himself as a constant battery. In the ensuing fight over the orb that channeled this immense power, a member of the Sunlit Sword, Ghar, managed to sneak the orb over to Rostrom, allowing him to break the orb and absorbing the Imprisoned One by Rostrom instead of Marath. When it seemed like the Imprisoned One would overtake Rostrom and emerge stronger then before, the assassin Kyku revealed the it was Marath who was responsible for the death of Mikaela. The wrath Rostrom felt allowed his mind to overpower the Imprisoned One by focusing his hate into the sole purpose of destroying Marath, and he descended upon him with the full wrath of his new power, destroying him so utterly that his very name was erased from history. Unable to control the remaining energy from the ritual, Rostrom blasted it out into the Rier, hoping that it could absorb the energy without hurting those around him, but the energy cascaded out of control, destroying the Rier, causing the Sundering, and ending the Age of Separation.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Rostrom's uncontrollable power is what shattered the Rier, a feat that even other gods could not accomplish.

Failures & Embarrassments

Rostrom blames himself for not preventing his late wife's death, and often attempts to honor her memory.


Contacts & Relations

Rostrom's herald is a massive, constantly angry bear. It is believed that after his ascension, Mar, the Ursan god of battle, sent the bear to challenge Rostroms strength, challenging Rostrom to fight it without drawing on his divine power. Rostrom accepted the challenge, and subdued the great bear with nothing but his physical might. He infused the bear with his power, uplifting it to herald status, and naming it Mortsor.   Rostroms divine servitors are known as Wrathlings, who are the souls of his followers who manage to reach his divine realm, only to fail their final test and become warped by the energies of the Imprisoned One. Wrathlings resemble their mortal selves, but are surrounded by a haze of rage that causes them to become very difficult to control.   Rostrom gets along well with most other chaotic aligned deities, such as Valahem, Mar, and the Mantling Sisters of Battle. He chaffs at restrictions, and thus has few friends with any of the lawful aligned gods, but those gods much prefer dealing with Rostrom then having the Imprisoned One escape back into the world.   Rumor has it that when approached by Draganna after ascension, she attempt to explain certain rules of godhood to them, and the importance of not interfering directly in the mortal world. Reportedly, he told her to "shove off, I'll do what I want", after which Draganna teleported him to the depths of the deepest chasm of the Deep Realm, forcing him to slowly crawl his way back out. While Rostrom denies this event, he seems to be wary of Draganna and mostly respects her rules.   Rostrom detests the followers of the Scattered God, harkening back to his time imprisoned underneath The Scattered Tower, and their reliance on arcane magic over physical might.   Rostrom also is believed to have a grudge against Death for allowing his late wife to die. One of his first acts was to break the planar waystone to his divine realm. While he states that this act is to force the souls of his followers to prove their strength by navigating the realms of other gods to reach him, most agree that it is likely he just did it as an inconvenience to Death and the normal flow of souls.
Divine Classification
Main Pantheon Deity
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Containing the Imprisoned One
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Rostrom other titles are The Living Cage, the Bringer of Wrath, and the Unstoppable Force.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Rostromites have several phrases from their deities, and many like coming up with insults on the fly to destroy the egos of their enemies.   Before Creation, Comes Destruction: Spoken to state that creation and destruction are intrinsically entwined. Thee give many examples of this cycle, pointing out how one must perform many acts of destruction to create; one must cut down a tree to get the logs to build a house after all .   I Am Free to Do As I Please. You Are Free to Try and Stop Me: Said when challenged by others, especially law enforcement. it is a statement declaring that if someone wants the Rostromite to do something, they will have to defeat them in combat first, and if they aren't strong enough to do so, its their own fault.   Let Me Show You What True Strength Is: A battle cry for a Rostromite. The phrase shows their true commitment to the battle, and if one utters these words, expect them to fight until one side has been completely and utterly destroyed.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: by @caitlinc37


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