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Berta Fleshrend

(a.k.a. Big Berta)

A selia warrior who joined the Court of Misfits. She was eventually possessed by the spirit of a hag, and then was slain in a battle with a dragon during the Tech-War.

Physical Description

Body Features

Like all Selia, Berta possessed massive, jagged teeth that she used to chomp down on any who stood in her way. She also possessed a esca that she could use to hypnotize her foes, but she rarely felt the need to do so, finding it an unexciting way to hunt.

Special abilities

Berta relied mostly on her selian physical traits, mostly her massive rending teeth, to rend flesh and cause massive bleeding in her foes. The scent of blood, especially her own, would further cause her to rage, increasing her might even more. She picked up a few street tricks while working with the gangs, able to slightly adjust her combat styles mid-battle, provided she did this before flying into a rage.

Specialized Equipment

Berta relied on a magical amulet that helped fuel her blood rages, allowing her to rip and tear with much greater ferocity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Big Berta spent her formative days in the Othi Coastline, but eventually migrated west and found her place in the slums of the technologically advanced city of Nenu-Lan, were she worked as a freelance brute for the local gangs. When the Court of Misfits ousted the gangs and took control over the slums, she approached them for a job, mostly because they had also humiliated a rival selian thug in the process. She would then work for the Court as a bouncer at their guildhall and bar. Eventually, while out on a mission, the Court rescued a Changeling girl named Leah from the clutches of a hag known as Mother Mute. After a few weeks, the hag and her coven assaulted the guildhall in the hopes of reclaiming the girl and enacting vengeance upon the trespassers. Berta was essential in the protection of the guildhall, and even ended up dealing the final blow to Mother Mute, devouring her in their gnashing teeth. This would prove to be detrimental to Berta, as Mother Mutes spirit slowly infiltrate her mind, and began to possess her. After nearly killing Leah and several other guildmembers, Leah's latent power awoken, and she was able to nearly quell the spirit, but Berta was then mostly confined to their quarters, as their would be occasional bought of Mother Mutes personality that would rise to the surface. When the elder gold dragon Therysion attacked the guildhall, Berta was unleashed, and she managed to get in a few brutal bites to the dragon before she was incinerated by his fiery breath, ending both her and the sinister hag once and for all.


Berta was a brute, lacking any social or educational upbringing, and could barely even read or write. None of that particularly concerned her, as she preferred to spend her time drinking and thinking about her next fleshy meal.


Berta spent her early days raiding in her Selia tribe, but the life of a bandit soon grew boring, and she migrated west and found work roughing up slum denizens for the local gangs. After one of her rivals was humiliated in combat after an altercation with one of the Court members, she offered her services as a bouncer at their guildhall, which also served as a popular bar. She would spend her remaining days fighting on the guilds behalf until she was slain in combat by the dragon Therysion.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Berta was able to slay the powerful hag Mother Mute, devouring her whole, although the accomplishment would later work against her as the hag attempted to take over her mind. She also was able to wound the powerful gold dragon Therysion before he incinerated her, an impressive feat in its own right.

Failures & Embarrassments

Berta hated magic, and thus her possession and control by Mother Mute caused her much shame.

Mental Trauma

Having Mother Mute caused immense harm to Berta's mind, leaving her little more than an empty angry shell once fully expunged. Most of her guildmates failed to see much of a difference.

Personality Characteristics


Bertha was motivated by little other than food, booze, and violence, all payments that she had in high supply working as the bouncer of the Rat King's Cellar.

Representation & Legacy

Bertha is remembered by the few survivors of the slums that she terrified during her time their, and stories of her gulping down a hag in one bite spread greatly among the superstitious. These stories attracted many other wayward selia to the city, who are struggling to find their place in the more ordered society of The Court of the Collective.


Religious Views

Like most Selia, Berta worshiped Maw, the species Primal Beastman, but was never particularly devout. Her main impetus for joining the guild even came after the guild beat up a religious rival who was enraged when one of their court bards sang a song berating Maw, and act she found hilarious.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Jack of the Door
Date of Birth
8th of Skova, 4,077 A.C.
Date of Death
2nd of Ixa, 4,100 A.C.
4077 4100 23 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain in combat
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
210 lbs
Maw (Primal Beastman)
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Selian, Aquan, Maran Common and trace amounts of Vlatyan


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