Einzaa Ethnicity in Matera | World Anvil
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Einzaa (Ee-in-zaa)

Elf-born tieflings of Urro, typically Divan descent. Like all of the Cosmic Races, their appearance and abilities can vary wildly, but most are born stunted, become closer in size to halflings and other smaller races. They often lack legs, instead having a large trail of reddish sand that their torso floats atop that acts as a single large leg. They are split into two categories, the div-worshipping Strenst and the remnants of the old Ergumin kingdom, the Jarmmenst.


Major language groups and dialects

The Einzaa speak Urrok Common and Abyssal, and often Elven as well.

Average technological level

It is said that Ergumin in the past had a great understanding and influence over geniekind, creating many magical artifacts capable of controlling them on mass, but such technology has been lost in the collapse of the nation.

Common Dress code

Due to their unique lower bodies, the Einzaa forgo wearing pants and other lower-body garments, instead focusing on their torsos for decoration.

Art & Architecture

The Einzaa once had many beautiful cities and well-crafted infrastructure, but now their cities lie in ruins. Any attempt by the Einzaa to rebuild have been destroyed by Ahrima and her divs.

Foods & Cuisine

While it is said that they had a once viberant food culture, the decimation of Ergumin have left the Einzaa with nothing but scraps. Due to this desperate nature and their desertified terrain, many Einzaa have learned to subside on insects and other small vermin that they can dig up in the desert sands.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The Jarmmenst have few birth rites, as between their dangerous circumstances and the natural low reproductive rate of elves few new children are born. Any child that manages to successfully make it past infancy is celebrated, but this must be done carefully, as large gatherings of Jarmmenst quickly attract the attention of the div and their Strenst followers.   The Strenst on the other hand, are quick to offer their newborn to their div masters, either to be consumed or "blessed". Such blessings often mutate the newborn even further than their tiefling corruption, and often leads to madness.

Coming of Age Rites

No coming of age rites are needed for the Jarmmenst, as any who manage to survive to adulthood have already proved themselves. The Strenst must constantly prove their value to their div masters, usually by hunting down and capturing Jarmmenst, lest the hunger of the divs be turned on them.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The Jarmmenst burn their dead, to prevent further div corruption, while the Strenst give their dead to the div to feast upon.

Common Taboos

The Jarmmenst do what they can to survive, but view the Strenst as unforgivable traitors and fools, and thus the two groups never work together.

Common Myths and Legends

The Strenst venerate the Fiendish Lord Arhima, having being corrupted by her dark presence. Many of the Jarmmenst belive that they once worship some other primal being in the past, and records of it has been destroyed and erased. They hope that if they can uncover these lost secrets, they can find a way to defeat Ahrima and restore their nation to its former glory.


Beauty Ideals

The Jarmmenst pine for the days of the ancient past, and seek a way to undo the corruption that has led to their current state. The Strenst have abandoned all reasoning, finding the natural world to be hideous and in need of "perfecting" with their corruptive magic.

Gender Ideals

There are few gender ideals among the Einzaa, as all must work hard to survive in their harsh environment. Woman are slightly better off among the Jarmmenst, as those among the Strenst might find themselves the targets of lustful divs.

Courtship Ideals

There are no established courtships among the Einzaa, with relationships fostering naturally between Jarmmenst fighters, while the Strenst either dominate each other through force or throw themselves at their div masters.

Relationship Ideals

Due to the downfall of their nation and the splitting of their people, the Einzaa are incredibly suspicious, even among their own kind. Even among the Jarmmenst, they often only associate with their close friends and family.

Major organizations

The Einzaa don't have any formal organizations; they are divided into two categories; the Strenst and the Jarmmenst. The Jarmmenst are what remains of the ancient kingdom who fight against the marauding divs, constantly on the run. The Strenst are those who give themselves over to the divs willingly, and aid in their corruption of the realm. The Strenst tasked with hunting the Jarmmenst, and are even more corrupted in body and mind.
Encompassed species
Related Locations
Instead of rolling for their Otherworldy Traits and Physical Features, an Einzaa can select the following traits:   Stunted Growth: Einzaa's are small sized creatures, gaining a +1 size bonus to their AC and attack rolls, and a -1 size penalty to their CMB and CMD.   Sand Leg: Einzaa's have a singular, snake-like tail with a sandy texture instead of legs. This doesn't affect their movement speed or their defenses against being tripped.


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