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Fenri (Fen-ree)

Alka who dwell in the cold wastes of Vatenrelm, the Fenri resemble wolves instead of standard dogs. Fierce warriors, the Fenri trust few outside of their own pack. Resistant to cold weather, the Fenri are skilled combatants, able to easily knock foes off their feet so that another pack member can pounce on them for the kill.


Major language groups and dialects

The fenri rarely lower themselves to speaking the language of others, but often learn rudimentary Aquan so that they can understand the more common Vatenrelm races.

Average technological level

The fenri's technological advancements all concern weapon-crafting, forging stronger weapons to test their might against the world. Many fenri often ingest mushrooms cultivated to send them into an unstoppable battle rage, even at the cost of their long-term health.

Common Etiquette rules

The fenri value strength, and thus challenges and duels are common form of social play.

Common Dress code

The fenri often wear thick furs made out of the victories of their past hunts.

Art & Architecture

The fenri construct their buildings, known as longhouses, out of the sturdy trees that grow in Úlfur. They also are well crafted in building temporary teepees out of hide and bone to serve as shelter while hunting and protection from the Frost Holds numerous sudden blizzards.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The fenri celebrate births by howling at the moon together as a pack. Babies born under a new moon are considered cursed, while those born under a full moon are viewed as blessed by Fenris.

Coming of Age Rites

Fenri must prove their worth in battle, be it fighting an enemy tribe or hunting down a great beast, before they can be considered and adult.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Fenri burn their dead in personal funeral pyres, so that their spirits may join and burn with the rage of Fenris.

Common Taboos

Cowardice and treachery in battle is the greatest shame that can be bestowed on a Fenri. Like the Vatamen, the fenri believe that to die in battle is the greatest honor, and thus to die of natural causes is also a shame most fenri couldn't bear.

Common Myths and Legends

Nearly all fenri exclusively worship Fenris, the Alkan god of battles and rage. They believe that when the end of times comes, Valahem and Fenris and all of their followers are fated to duel in a massive battle. It is believed that should Fenris win the duel, he will go on to to devour Draganna and plunge the world into a endless and glorious battle.


Beauty Ideals

Fenri are quite proud of their scars, as they are symbols of their victories in battle. To mock the scars of a fenri is considered a highly rude personal attack, and will usually result in a duel breaking out.

Gender Ideals

The fenri care little for gender and only for physical strength. Both females and males are capable of rising to positions of power through combat.

Courtship Ideals

Like most things with the fenri, courtship often involves battle, either with two warriors fighting over a potential mate, or with the two fighting each other to see if they are compatible.

Relationship Ideals

The fenri are extremely close with their packmates, viewing them all as an extended family. They are competitive with other fenri packs, but these rivalries do sometimes escalate into outright hatred and combativeness. They are scofful and distrustful of other races, especially the Cyko Neko, who they see as weak and scheming cowards. They have a burgeoning respect for the strength of Vatamen, although they claim that all of the Vatamens achievements have come from mimicking their own.

Major organizations

The fenri rarely work for anyone else, preferring to only work with their own pack mates. Most fenri would prefer death to imprisonment or slavery.

Random Fenri Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-50 Tundra Sharp Eyes
51-80 Coastline Competitive
81-95 Ship-City Hard to Kill
96-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland table)
Encompassed species
Related Locations
A fenri replaces the standard alka trait of Fleet-Footed with the following traits:   Frost Alka: Fenri gain a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against the effects of cold environments.   Improved Trip: Fenri gain the Improved Trip feat as a bonus feat at 1st racial level.


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