Vatenrelm Geographic Location in Matera | World Anvil
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The Realm of Water, Vatenrelm is covered in a vast ocean that is divided into two parts. The Northern Vaten Ocean is a tropical paradise ruled by pirate gangs, while the Southern Vaten Ocean is managed by the Kingdom of the Waves and the Overseas Merchant Guild. While numerous tiny islands exist on the waves, the two main landmasses are The Frost Hold, a cold taiga home to many giants, and Drek-Bol, an inhospitable area teaming with Linnorms and other dragon-kin.


  • Vatenrelm
    The realm of Water and the birthplace of hydromancy and cryomancy, Vantenrelm is covered with a massive ocean.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of Water, The Water Realm, The Endless Ocean
Planar Sphere/Grouping
Included Locations

  • 101


    Formation of the Elements

    The four Elemental Realms, Kirru, Ardlam, Ixuil and Vatenrelm are formed to help empower the World Tree. From this event, the four Elemental Lords emerge from the tree, Yai, Yea, Yef, and Yaw.

  • 450

    The primordial aboleths spawn
    Geological / environmental event

    The first of the aboleths spawn in the primordial depths of the Deep Realm

  • 1480

    The Luxor settle the Ito Coastline
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Luxor settle into the borders of Armarium and Vatenrelm, later to be known as the Ito Coastline.

    Ito Coastline
    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 2020

    Maw conquers the Othi Coastline
    Military action

    With prompting from the Titans, Maw returns from the depths and conquers the Othi Coastline, claiming it for the Selia race.

    Othi Coastline
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    Additional timelines
  • 2195

    The Kingdom of the Waves is formed

    The scattered tribes of Vatenrelm unite to combat Chrius and the Titans, officially forming the Kingdom of the Waves

  • 2640

    Dreka-Bol rises from the sea
    Geological / environmental event

    The second landmass of Vatenrelm, Dreka-Bol, suddenly appears, with many believing that it to be the severed claw of the Deep Wyrm.

  • 2740

    The Lawless Surf roils; Lappereto is created
    Criminal Activity

    Bands of pirates, chafing under the increasingly restrictive rule of the Kingdom of the Waves, break away and declare the north and eastern parts of the realm the Lawless Surf, free from control of the Kingdom. They come together to create Lapperto, a massive ship network that can combine into a ship-city, and split apart at a moments notice.

  • 2907

    The Birthing Pools are created
    Geological / environmental event

    The death of Albanor, the first ooze, creates a massive area of primordial acid on the borders of Ardlam, Vatenrelm, Central Matera, and Skovasil. From this area, the Alba emerge.

    More reading
  • 3001

    The Author creates The Rier
    Geological / environmental event

    The Author create The Rier, a new god of barriers, and imbues it into the borders of the realms, sealing them off from each other and separating the gods.

  • 3191


    Valahem ascends to godhood

    Valahem goes on a journey, sailing off the edge of the world and eventually ending up in the Cosmic Battleground, where he fights against all manner of divine servants for 9 years without pause. Eventually, he attracts the attention of Fenris, the Alkan god of rage, who slays him in battle, but his death instead elevates him into godhood.

    Additional timelines
  • 4000

    40 Matra

    The Sundering
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Rostrom absorbs the power of an imprisoned Dark Tapestry god and shatters the Reir, ending the Age of Separation and ascending to godhood.

  • 4010

    The Raid of the Gate
    Criminal Activity

    After the Sundering, The surviving Lancrik Pirates utilize magic to sail up the Root of Souls, causing havoc in the domains of the gods and eventually reaching the Gate of Truth, where they steal immortality from Death, as well as revive their fallen comrades.

    Additional timelines
  • 4020


    Lancrik becomes King of the Pirates
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Leader of the Lancrik Pirates, finds the Conch of the Sea, uniting the Pirate Lords under his rule.    He gets bored two years later, abdicating his throne, sailing into the Cosmic Battleground, and taking the Conch of the Sea with him.

  • 4100

    32 Ixa

    Battle of Thunder Island
    Military action

    The Lancrik Pirates return from the Cosmic Battleground to lead a coalition of the Pirate Lords to raid Thunder Island and slay the Kaiju, the Everstorm. After an intense battle, the Pirates are victories, and the Everstorm crashes into the Ito Coastline, kickstarting a new age of piracy.

  • 4103

    38 Usa

    Genocide of the Iron Order
    Disaster / Destruction

    Coinciding their attacks with the Day of Vortex, the Entropics, lead by "Twin-Eyed Destroyer" Eruanna, stage an attack on the Iron Bastion, the greatest Imtak of the Church of the Iron order has in the realm. Utilizing the primal magic, they unleash Ancient Ajaw, who destroys the boat and kills nearly all its residents before disappearing.

  • 4103

    9 Arda

    Mahekint is destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    A massive draconic worm emerges from the depths and destroys Mahekint, the Bugbear capital and the ruler of the realms goblins, and the Goblin tribes scatter and cause even more mayhem than normal.


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