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Jelloid (Jell-oi-d)

Mysterious creatures of the Deep Realm, the Jelloids are nomadic Enthos that resemble large Jellyfish. They are egnimatic and spiritual, riding wave currents and rarely interacting with those that dwell on the surface.

Basic Information


The Jelloids have a large mesoglea (although the term the Jelloids prefer is their Outer Mind) that acts as the large mass of their form, which is carried by lots of smaller downward tentacles that act both as the Jelloids navigational legs and sensory units. They have a large pair of primary tentacles that extend outward that act as hands.

Genetics and Reproduction

Due to the depths that they live at, little is understood about Jelliod reproduction, and they themselves don't often speak much about their culture. Indeed, the language they primally speak in, Jelloid Sign Language, seems to lack many translations traditional to most languages. Mystics and the superstitious believe that they either form naturally from the souls of the drowned, or that they perform rituals to draw in those souls and form new Jelloids. Scientists and biologists suggest that they either spend their early life like traditional Jellyfish, going through larva and polyp stages before growing into their more humanoid form, or simply utilize the enthos awakening spell on natural born jellyfish to create more Jelloids. Some radical ideas state that there are no new Jelloids, and all Jelloids in existence are just a product of some much of their Refreshing rituals that they have forgotten their origins. Whatever the truth is, the Jelloids speak little of it, mostly referring to their early days as "The Distant Life".

Growth Rate & Stages

While how they are born and grown isn't well understood, the Jelloids have a well documented physical ritual known as "The Refreshing". Undertaking a Refreshing takes years of training, and most Jelloids spend their travels practicing and leading up to it. When a Jelloid has reached the end of its natural life, it partakes in a complex underwater dance where it releases its inner bodily fluids into the ocean, while simultaneously intaking new water from the ocean. If not done correctly, the process is fatal, but implemented truly, the Jelloid reverts to a younger age. This process seems to be traumatic for the Jelloids, who view this transformation as a sort of personal death. They often take on a new name after completing their transformation, and while they retain many of their skills, their personality often shifts in subtly ways.   A Jelloid can also potentially undertake a Refreshing when exposed to powerful death magic, but such process can be dangerous and is seen as a tragic loss rather than a natural progression of their life style.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Jelloids seem to be able to survive of relatively low food consumption, but are mostly carnivorous, consuming small sea life small fish and crustaceans. While its incredibly rare, some tribes are known to hunt other sapient life, such as merfolk and pinchlings.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Jelloids have a relatively open society, with each Jelloid living their life without much oversight or tribal rules. The shamans of their tribe hold the most sway over any others, but each individual Jelloid seems to experience spirituality in their own ways.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Due to their Refreshing rituals, many think that the Jelloids flesh holds the key to immortality, and thus many unscrupulous alchemists hunt or put bounties of them. Their poison also can be included in deadly toxins, and thus their tentacles often can fetch a good price.

Facial characteristics

The Jelloids lack faces and facial features, and thus communicate primarily through complex tentacle movements and color changes in their bodies.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Jelloids almost exclusively dwell in the depths of the Deep Realm underneath Vatenrelm.

Average Intelligence

The Jelloids struggle to have greater thoughts, as it seems their innards are mostly comprised of water. Thus, they have a hard time grasping concepts such as advanced mathematics.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Jelloids lack facial features save for a small mouth at the base of their mesoglea, although this mouth is used only for consumption and can only make a few sounds. The Jelloids lack of eyes means that they primarily utilize the movement of water to sense their surroundings through their tentalces. This means the scope of their sight is heavily hindered when out of the water, limiting their "sight" to around 20 feet. Thus, few Jelloids ever willingly leave the Deep Realm and head to the surface world.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Like most Enthos, the Jelloids can influence vermin, and they cultivate colonies of jellyfish both as pets and as passive defenses for their colonies.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Jelloid naming conventions seems to be very strange and vary wildly, with the names of colors, flora and fauna, and even inanimate objects being common, as well as more abstract title-like names such as Waverider or Tidedrinker. Other Entos refer to the Jelliods as ᵑǀoᶢǃ̤ǀuǂuᶢǃ̤ᵑǀ̤, translating to Wanderers of the Water.

Major Organizations

The Jelloids mostly stick to themselves, either in solitary or in small colonies. They rarely will join other communities, such as Pinchling or deep Randoran colony, but they usually don't stay in such places for long. One might even travel to the surface world, becoming a member of a pirate crew or living on a Kingdom Imtak, but due to the difficulties the Jelloids have on the surface, these Jelliods are exceptionably rare.

Beauty Ideals

The Jelloids love to marvel at beautiful colors, especially natural ones, and more colorful ones are often more discussed. However, those who lack color are not shunned, rather are just often considered to have been "chosen" for different roles, such as a colony scout.

Gender Ideals

The Jelloids seemingly lack a sense of gender altogether. Sometimes, while interacting with gendered races, a Jelloid may take on a preferred gender, although this usually seems to be more for the connivence of its companions rather than its own identity.

Courtship Ideals

Due to the uncertainty around their reproduction and even their genders, it is not clear if the Jelloids partake in traditional courtships. However, a common practice among Jelloid friends or travelers is to interlock tentacles together and float down a swift current, which itself is an act of great trust.

Relationship Ideals

The Jelloids are aloof and lonesome, and don't make much in the way of friends. They might have one or two close Jelliod partners, but these often shift and change as the Jelloid goes through their Refreshing. They struggle greatly to form relationships with non-Jelloids, as their strange thoughts and lack of communication skills hinders their ability to make friends. However, their mysterious allure causes many to seek them out in hopes of gleaning their mysterious.

Average Technological Level

Due to their nomadic and shamanic ways, and their underwater lifestyle, the Jelloids have little in the way of advanced technology. They are very accepting of the natural world as it is, and have little need to try to change things.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Due to their lack of a true mouth, Jelloids can only speak Aquan, a language that relies only on simple noises that can easily be transferred underwater. They primarily communicate in Jelloid Sign Language, a language that revolves around the complex swaying of their tentacles. Jelloid Sign Language is incredibly difficult for non-Jelloids to master, as it has nuances that are nearly impossible to replicate without tentacles. While they can't speak them, some Jelloids do learn to understand Aboleth, Aklo, Alban Sign Language, Common (Vlatya), Elven, Enthos, or Selian, but such Jelloids are rare.

Common Etiquette Rules

A Jelloids tentacles are very sensitive, and they will often intermingle them with the tentacles of other Jelloids as a greeting; however this intermingling is done very carefully. A humanoid who attempts to grab a tentacle and shake it like a hand will often cause pain to a Jelloid, who will usually instinctively respond by releasing poison, with at least 1 recorded major incident occurring during a diplomatic talk between a colony of Jelloids and a Vatan surface village. The Jelloids also often overstep boundaries, with some overeager ones wrapping up a newly-met human, not realizing that the human might be believing that the Jelloid is attempting drag them to the depths and consume them.

Common Dress Code

Due to their subnautic nature and fluid form, the Jelloids have little in the ways of clothes. They may often drape small amounts of seaweed around their tentacles or carve small rocks into hats to wear on their Mesogla.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

When a Jelliod goes through its Refreshing, they usually need a period of recovery. This time is usually spent in the care of middle aged Jelliods, who remember the treatment they received and will soon call upon others to care for them again.

Common Taboos

The Jelloids have strange taboos that vary from tribe-to-tribe, usually about were to not travel, what colors are lucky and unluckly, and objects to touch or not touch.


Like the other Enthos, the Jelloids began to emerge during the Age of Conflict, but due to the lack of written records in the Deep Realm and no Enthosian Elder to speak for them, their exact origins are unclear.

Common Myths and Legends

If the Jelloids have ever had an Enthosian Elder, they either have been lost to the tides of time or reside so far down in the Deep that their name is unheard of on the surface world. The Jelloids don't speak of any progenitor of their kind, and seem to forgo religion in the form of a spiritualistic worship of the deep tidal currents. Magic scholars theorize that the lingering Enthosian magic that created the other Elders eventually travelled and coalesced in the ocean, forming into the first Jelloids, but the Jelloids themselves don't elaborate much of their own history.   The Jelliods instead speak of the "Great Current" that guides them on their journey on the "Tides of Time", and they are simple travelers destined to travel until their time is up.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Due to their limited communication skills, the Jelloids have little relations with other races. They are viewed with a mystic superstition, as many sailors believe that they are the unmoored souls of the drowned. Thus, the Vala and the Vataman avoid them whenever possible. They have minor trade relations with the Deep aquatic races, such as the Merfolk and the Alve elves, but such interactions are kept brief and transactional. Unlike any of the Deep races, they are relatively unhindered by the Selia raiders, but this stems less from mutal respect and more the fact that most Selias find consuming Jelloid flesh to be highly unappetizing. The randorans are the greatest source of interspecies Jelliod interaction, as the Jelloids penchant for mysticism willingness to lead small groups, and similar tentacled nature is highly attractive to the Randoran, and colonies will often attempt to keep a Jelloid nearby to act as a seer or interpreter of their strange dreams. The Jelloids seem to have a strange kindred with the Drentouk, often acting as if they were distant cousins. Many people have the superstitious belief that the when the tekslir consumes a corpse, its soul is cast into the waves to become a Jelliod, while the husk of the body becomes a Drentouk. Little evidence exists to support this claim, but the Jelloids don't necessarily deny it, speaking in riddles when pressed about it.

Racial Table - Jelloid: Hit Dice: D8; Class Skills: Escape Artist, Knowledge (Religion), Perception, Stealth, Swim; Skill Ranks Per Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier; Weapon Proficiency: Natural attacks; Armor Proficiency: Light
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Abilities
1st +0 +2 +0 +0 Amorphous Body, Tentacles, Vermin Empathy, Water Dependancy, Water Susceptability, Wavesense
2nd +1 +3 +0 +0 Poison
3rd +2 +3 +1 +1 Tentacle Upgrade
4th +3 +4 +1 +1 Compressible, +1 Dexterity, +1 Charisma
5th +3 +4 +1 +1 Reverting Immortaility, Tentacle Upgrade
Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Intuitive1 Self-Taught2 Trained3
7 years +1d4 years (8 - 12) +1d6 years (8 - 14) +1d8 years (8 - 16)
1This category includes armigers, barbarians, bloodragers, imbuers, kineticists, leaches, oracles, psychics, ravelers, realmstriders, rogues, sorcerers, and spiritualists   2This category includes antipaladins, arcanist, armorsmiths, bards, brawler, cavaliers, fighters, gamblers, gunslingers, hunters, mediums, mesmerist, paladins, pantheists, rangers, samurai, shamans, skalds, slayers, spellthiefs, summoners, swashbucklers, tricksters, vigilantes, wardens, weaponsmiths, and witches.   3This category includes alchemists, clerics, druids, explorers, inquisitors, investigators, jewelers, magi, monks, mortalists, ninjas, occultists, painters, travelers, tinkerers, warpriests, wizards and zealots.
Random Height and Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
3 ft. 8 in. +2d6 in. (3 ft. 10 in. - 4 ft. 8 in.) 10 lbs. +(2d6 lbs.) (12 - 22 lbs.)
Jelloid Aging Table
Middle Age (-1 to Str, Dex, and Con, +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha) Old (-2 to Str, Dex, and Con, +2 to Int, Wis, and Cha) Venerable (-3 to Str, Dex, and Con, +3 to Int, Wis, and Cha) Maximum Age (GM secretly decides maximum age)
32 years 44 years 66 years 66 + 1d8 years (67 - 74 years)
Random Jelliod Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-60 Deep Sea Current Touched By The Sea
61-90 Underwater City Deep-Sea Native
91-95 Costal City Beachcomber
94-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland table)

Random Jelloid Families
% Rolled Parental Status
01-25 Both of your parents are dead
26-50 Both of your parents are alive
51-75 Only Mother is alive
76-00 Only Father is alive
Random Jelloid Siblings
% Rolled # of Siblings
01-20 1d4+1 Siblings
21-40 1d3+1 Siblings
41-60 1d2+1 Siblings
61-80 1 Sibling
81-00 No siblings
32 - 74 years; however a Jelloid that has mastered their Refreshing ritual can effectively live forever unless slain.
Average Height
3'10'" 4'8"
Average Weight
12 - 22 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Jelloids vary greatly in their coloration, with some being quite vibrant while others are lack colors to the point of near invisibility, but they also can make minor changes to their coloration, usually as a way to suggest their mood. When a Jelloid goes through its Refreshing, it often changes in its coloration.
Geographic Distribution


Type Vermin (Aquatic)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence; Jelliods are swift and alluring, but lack greater thought.
Size medium
Speed Jelloids have an overland land speed of 5 feet and a Swim speed of 30 feet, gaining a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks.
Language A Jelloid begins play speaking only Aquan and Jelloid Sign Language, but can understand Enthos. A Jelloid with a high Intelligence score can select from any of the following languages to understand, Aboleth, Aklo, Alban Sign Language, Common (Vlatya), Elven, and Selian; They only can understand those languages, they lack the ability to speak anything but Aquan and Jelloid Sign Language.

  • Materil:Jelloids are intrinsically tied to the Water Materil and must become Watershifters
  • Wavesense:While in the water, a Jelloid can "see" everything around it to a range of 60ft, similar to the blindsight ability. While out of water, a Jelliod can only see things to a range of 20 feet as if using blindsense. They cannot perceive things such as written words, but can get a vauge sense of color.
  • Amorphous Body: A Jelloid is primarily made up of only water and lacks vital organs. They are immune to critical hits and precision damage from non-piercing damage sources.
  • Tentacles:A Jelloid gains two tentacle attacks that deal 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage. These tentacles are primary natural attacks. At 3rd and 5th racial level, a Jelloid can either increase the damage of their tentacle attacks by 1 step (1d6 at 3rd and 1d8 at 5th), gain an additional tentacle attack at the same damage of their current tentacles, or increase the reach of their current tentacles by 5 feet.
  • Vermin Empathy: All enthos can utilize the Handle Animal skill on vermin creatures, despite them being mindless. An enthos spellcaster can cast spells that normally only affect animals on a vermin creature, and enthos druids can utilize wild empathy on vermin as if they were normal animals. An enthos gains a +4 racial bonus to handling vermin of a similar nature to them.
  • Water Dependancy: A Jelloid needs water to survive. A Jelloid can remain out of water for a number of hours equal to its Constitution modifer (minimum 1), before it starts to suffer from pain. After that time, it becomes fatigued, than an hour later, it becomes exhausted. For each hour beyond, it takes 1 point of Constitution damage. A Jelloid can heal this damage by spending an equal amount of time fully submerged in water.
  • Water Susceptability:Due to their water-like bodies, a Jelloid can be affected by certain spells that affect water. Bless Water acts as the spell Cure Light Wounds, Control Water acts as Dominate Person, Curse Water acts as Inflict Light Wounds, Enhance Water or Rotgut automatically intoxicates them, Preserve grants them an additional hour against their next stage of Water Dependancy, Purify Food and Drink heals them 1 point of ability damage as Restoration, Sea of Dust affects them as Disentigrate, Speak With Waves automatically allows the caster to speak with them as if using telepathy, and Water of Maddening acts as if the Jelloid had automatically drank the unholy water created by the spell. Other spells may have additional effects, at GM discretion.
  • Poison: At 2nd racial level, a Jelloids tentacles secret poison. A creature hit by the tentacle must make a save or suffer from the following poison. Jelloid Poison (Ex) Tentacle - Injury; save Fortitude (DC 10 + 1/2 the Jelloids hit dice + the Jelloids Constitution modifier Frequency 1/round for six rounds; Effects: 1d2 Constitution damage; Cure: 1 save
  • A creature who has succusfully saved against a Jelloids poison is immune to that particular Jelloids poison for 24 hours, and a Jelloid is immune to the poisons of other Jelloids.
  • Compressible: At 4th racial level, a Jelloid learns to squeeze into tight spaces. They can move into spaces as small as 1-quarter their normal size and one-eighth its normal size when squeezing.
  • Reverting Immortality: At 5th racial level, a Jelloid learns how to reset its body to a youthful state. If a Jelloid would die from old age or be subject to an aging effect, they may instead return to racial level 1 (other class levels are unaffected) and return to the minimum starting age for an adult Jelloid, losing all aging bonuses and penalties. A Jelloid who uses this ability cannot use it again for 1 year, even if it returns to 5th racial level before that time. This effect also heals the Jelliod as the Heal spell, utilizing the Jelloids new character level as their caster level.

Alternate Racial Traits
  • Electrified: Some Jelloids have nerves on their tentacles that delivier electric shocks. Their tentacle attacks deal 1 point of electricity damage per racial level on a succsuful hit. This trait replaces the Poison trait gained at 2nd racial level.
  • Grabbing Tentacles: Some Jelloids are more practice in grabbing their opponents with their tentacles. These Jelloids gain Improved Grapple as a bonus feat and deal 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage whenever they maintain a grapple. This trait replaces the Poison trait gained at 2nd racial level.
  • Translucent: Some Jelloids are so water-like that they are practically see through. The Jelloid gains a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks, and when underwater and in darkness, as long as they don't move more than half their speed in a turn, act as if under a nonmagical invisibility spell. This trait replaces the Amorphous Body trait.

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