Khufa Ethnicity in Matera | World Anvil
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Khufa (Koo-fah)

Dwarven-born Tieflings, typically of Oni descent. Like all of the Cosmic Races, their appearance and abilities can vary wildly, but they generally have an insectile exoskeleton-like coating, and can create unholy water with just a touch.


Major language groups and dialects

Most Khufa speak Urrok and Infernal, and many also speak Giant to more easily commune with their Oni overlords, who often possess the bodies of giants.

Average technological level

The daiymo are more interested in plotting against each other and ruling over their subjects than advancing their technology, however the Khufa are known as master swordsmiths. Over the long years, O-bakêmo and his followers have amassed grand arsenals of expertly crafted swords and katanas.

Common Etiquette rules

The Khufa are cordial and respectful to those of the same or higher status, as they have been trained by their masters to always act with honor. However, this attitude often leads them to scorn and scoff at those who are perceived of a lower status.

Common Dress code

Female Khufans usually wear kimonos with elaborate patterns that denote their social status. Males usually wear similar robes when off-duty, but many are in military service of some kind, and thus wear ornate armor and samurai masks denoting their importance.

Art & Architecture

The khufa build ornate mountain cities and monasteries to a much larger scale so that they are able to house their giant and oni masters

Foods & Cuisine

The oni daimyos, and O-bakêmo in particular are known for their great hunger, and thus many Khufa are well learned in the art of making great cuisine to satisfy them. Khufan stir-fry is a common and diverse meal served throughout Kamma, with each family having their own individual and unique recipes.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Khufan fathers are expected to attend their childs' birth and help the mother through it; the only thing that takes precedent over this is a direct summoning from their oni daimyo. Once the birthing is complete, the father must grant the newborn their name. If the father is unable to name, due to absence or death, this honor passes up the generations. If for some able there is no male figure to name, the mother is than permitted, but to do so brings great shame onto the baby.

Coming of Age Rites

Once they are old enough to start their sword-training, Khufan men are taking either into a training camp to become a samurai, at which they are only permitted to return to their family home once a week. Those that can't make the cut for elite service are sent of to begin an apprenticeship in some sort of civil service, such as a town guard, blacksmith, or business' owner. Once they achieve succuss and graduate from their apprenticeship, they are then permitted to more visits with their family, and usually begin their arraignment to get married.   Khufan woman usually remain with their mothers and learn the way of the housewife, mastering their caretaking skills until it is time for them to be married to a graduated apprentice.

Funerary and Memorial customs

A Khufa's funerary rites vary by their status. Those who have not earned any renown usually have their corpse fed to a hungry beast or their oni master. Those who have earned it will have their corpses possessed by minor oni so that they can continue their service to their daimyo.

Common Taboos

The Khufa are strictly loyal to their oni daimyo, and their extended clan, and thus, any who go against the words of, or bring dishonor to their masters, are lucky to be shunned, with most being executed.

Common Myths and Legends

It is said that when O-bakêmo was driven out of Kirru, he descended south, seeking amnesty to heal his wounds. The ruling dwarves of the mountains agreed to let him rest and recuperate, if he agreed to fight the other fiends of the realm on their behalf. However, this was a ploy, and while O-bakêmo was resting, the champions of the dwarves attempted to slay him in his sleep. This assassination attempt failed, and O-bakêmo flew into a rage, devouring 80% of the dwarven population and demanding the servitude of the remaining to make up for the betrayal.   Heretics who disavow the legitimacy of the Oni Daiymos state that this deal never happened, and that O-bakêmo simply descended on the mountains in a black storm cloud with an army of giants and oni, devouring the nation and raising the few survivors to be completely loyal. Such naysayers are usually swiftly devoured themselves.

Historical figures

One of the members of the renewed Explorer's Guild, is Jor, a disgraced magus.


Beauty Ideals

Due to their strange insectile carapace, the Khufan have much less hair than normal dwarves. Khufan men are expected to keep their beards tidy, and woman keep their hair ornatly braided.

Gender Ideals

Gender roles are strictly enforced in Khufan society, with men becoming warriors and guards, while women care for the children and household. The only exception to this is the island of Negu, ruled over by the Water Yai Oni Mizu-ono. There, the traditional roles are reversed, with woman taking up the martial roles and men holding down the family.

Courtship Ideals

Most Khufa are entered into arranged marriages, either at the behest of their clan, family, or daimyo. Thus, courtship usually heavily involves the parents and the exchanging of doweries.

Relationship Ideals

Khufa men are encouraged to have a distant relationship with others, save for their daimyo and their other retainers. Thus, Khufan men and boys are distant with others not in their immediate service circle, including their own families.

Major organizations

Most Khufa are members of the nation of Urran nation of Kamaa, which is under the rule of powerful Oni.
Encompassed species
Related Locations
Instead of rolling for their Otherworldly Trait and Physical Feature, a Khufa can select the following traits:   Curse Water: 3/day, a Khufa can cast Curse Water as a spell-like ability.   Exoskeleton: A Khufa's skin is covered in an insectile-like exoskeleton, though this skeleton is relativly soft an provides no additional protection from attacks.


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