Koral Ethnicity in Matera | World Anvil
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Koral (Core-al)

Gnomes who dwell in the tropical areas of Vatenrelm, korals are staunch protectors of nature. Green and blue-skinned, Korals often have coral-like growths growing on their bodies, as well as webbing between their fingers and toes to allow for greater movement in the water. Dwelling in massive coral reefs, the korals work to protect the natural world from those who would despoil it.


Major language groups and dialects

Korals learn to speak Aquan instead of Auren.

Shared customary codes and values

Korals believe first and foremost in the protection of nature, and act as guardians against those who would corrupt the natural world.

Average technological level

Korals craft their weapons and armor out of coral and other underwater materials. They prefer to form symbiotic relationship with nature, utilizing resources in their natural habitats while it grows instead of harvesting it to use immediately.

Common Etiquette rules

One must tread carefully when entering a korals reef, as to not cause damage to the korals carefully cultivated environment. Damaging a korals home is likely for a permanent banishment and shunning from other korals.

Common Dress code

Most koral wear only simple garments crafted out of shells and seaweed, as their aqueous lifestyle and warm climate allays the need for extensive clothing.

Art & Architecture

Korals dwell on massive naturally grown coral reefs, only rarely changing the natural landscape to match their needs. Most dwell on the massive Great Reef in Vatenrelms north.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Koral babies are cleaned in the running streams of fresh water that lies in the center of The Great Reef, so that their connection to nature can be fully forged and they can start their life refreshed.

Coming of Age Rites

Many koral youth are gifted with a task of watching over, feeding, or caretaking for either a pond of aquatic animals or a set of plants, tending to them throughout their childhood. This helps strengthen the korals bond to nature and teaches them the importance and duty of maintaining it.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Most koral corpses are fed to the families aquatic animals or utilized as fertilizer to grow their coral reef homes, so that the koral can return the bounty of nature that they lived their life on. Particularly notable korals might have their bodies entombed in coral growths, so that they may become part of their massive homes forever.

Common Taboos

Actively harming or despoiling nature, especially sources of water, will earn one the eternal enmity of a koral. Korals also hate wastefulness, viewing those who throw things away that can still be utilized as foolish and unthoughtful.

Common Myths and Legends

A majority of korals worship Kis Savarah, the gnomish goddess of nature and water, but can still be found worshiping other members of the gnomish pantheon.


Beauty Ideals

Korals love vibrant colors, but view all natural creatures as beautiful. They are repulsed by unnatural things, such as metallic prosthetics, technological implants, or magical features gained through corruptions.

Gender Ideals

Like regular gnomes, korals distinguish little between gender, with both males and females having equal opportunities for advancement.

Courtship Ideals

Korals often take their partners on dates to the edges of their great reefs to enjoy beautiful sunsets, or on extended trips to exotic islands to view rare wildlife.

Relationship Ideals

Korals are untrusting of outsiders, always worried of the outsiders intentions towards nature and their homes, but are quite friendly and amicable to those who earn their trust. Many korals become extremely loyal to their friends, often easily willing to sacrifice their own lives to save them.

Major organizations

Korals often work closely with the Alve elves of Falime in the defense of natural areas from monsters of the Deep Realm who would corrupt such places. Some korals might become scouts or druids for more good-aligned pirate crews, but rarely do they join more destructive ones, preferring to aid in the fight against those who would plunder areas for their natural resources.

Random Koral Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-69 Coral Reef Natural Philosopher 
70-76 Underwater City Deep Sea Native
76-82 Coastline or Island Beachcomber
83-88 Ship-City Navigator
89-94 Tundra Tundra Child
95-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland table)
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Related Locations
A koral replaces the standard gnome traits of Defensive Training and Hatred with the following trait:   Coral Gnome: A koral gains a swim speed of 20 feet, a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks, and always treats Swim as a class skill.   Natural Protector: Koral gnomes gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC, and a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against aberrations, oozes, and vermin. These bonuses increase by 1 for every four hit dice the koral possesses beyond the 1st.


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