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Leko (Leck-oh)

Neko that are native to the ever-continual light of Usoram, the leko resemble humanoid lions. Male leko have thick manes, while female leko have smaller, sleek manes. A lekos claws are much sharper, capable of dealing damage without much training, and a leko can ignite their manes to create a small blazing aura of heat.


Major language groups and dialects

Most leko speak Sylvan instead of one of the elemental languages.

Culture and cultural heritage

Leko live in large communal prides, often with fifty or more members. Prides are ruled over by the strongest and most honorable male and female warriors, but most decisions are made communally.

Shared customary codes and values

The leko are staunch believers in honor and respect, and always work to act in a way that will not bring shame upon their pride.

Average technological level

The leko love to craft new weapons, often forging weapons by striking the hot metal with their own claws.

Common Etiquette rules

Leko's strive for politeness, but have little patience for drawn out gestures, preferring to righteous action over empty words.

Common Dress code

The leko often craft sets of valorous armor to go along with their mighty weapons, but otherwise have little need for extensive clothing, as their fur and the natural and constant light of Usoram keeps them warm.

Art & Architecture

As they are a nomadic people, the leko don't often craft permanent settlements, inside constructing simple traveling tents and temporary forges when they need to rest.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Leko young are raised communally by the tribe, rather than by individual parents, and thus many leko are unaware of their true parentage.

Coming of Age Rites

Of age leko must forge a weapon of their own choosing from scratch and with only little guidance. Most leko choose to forge pairs of claw blades to complement their existing sharp claws.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Deceased leko are generally buried at the spot of their demise, and are always interred with the weapon they crafted in their youth. Many weapons are utilized as gravestones and markers, and are at times taken up by those in need.

Common Taboos

The leko value family honor above all else, and those who bring shame to their pride are likely to be banished. Many banished leko seek to regain their lost honor by attempting dangerous crusades to destroy forces of evil.

Common Myths and Legends

A majority of leko worship Damon, the Neko god of warriors and champions, but can be found worshiping other members of the nekoan pantheon. It is believed that when Neko was ascending Ygg, she was badly wounded in a skirmish with an ancient fey, but  was saved by the kindness of Eve. The combination of Eve's light and Neko's resolve to continue onward gave birth to Damon, who then aided is mothers in slaying the ancient beast so that she could continue onward.


Beauty Ideals

The leko groom their manes extensively, and always strive to look as presentable as possible.

Gender Ideals

Female leko are the hunters and food providers of a pride, while males act as craftsmen and blacksmiths. Both genders are expected to act as warriors in defensive of the pride, and all members of a pride receive combat training. Leko children are taught of their general history and culture of the pride exclusively by its female members, as they are believed to have the better connection the spirit of Damon, with males only teaching their crafts to specific apprentices.

Courtship Ideals

Like most neko tribes, most leko in a pride are polyamorist, mating with whoever catches their fancy whenever they enter into their seasonal heat. Duels over mates in both genders is exceptionally common during these seasons.

Relationship Ideals

The leko forge a strong familial bond with the members of their pride, and all members are treated as close family members. Due to their extremely social ways, and their reputation of being the most honorable members of the neko race, lekos often find it much easier to befriend and socialize with members of other races. Many leko view themselves as superior to the other neko types, and are often themselves perpetuators of the stereotypes that other nekos are liars, cowards, and thieves. Lekos dispise Tikos, viewing them as savage barbarians with no honor, who only care for themselves.

Major organizations

The leko organize themselves into various tribes known as prides; most prides align themselves with the Sika Empire, but a radical few want to return to a less organized way of life.

Random Leko Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-30 Hills Honorable Champion
31-60 Savannah Plainsman
61-75 Mountain Destructive Blows
76-89 Primal Forest Fey-Wise
90-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland table)
Encompassed species
Related Locations
A leko replaces the standard Neko traits of Low-Light Vision and Natural Hunter with the following traits:   Burning Mane: 1/day, a leko can ignite their mane in a blaze of fire that lasts for 1 round per hit dice. The mane deals 1d6 points of fire damage to any creature that starts their turn adjacent to the leko unless that creature makes a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + the lekos Constitution modifier).   Sun Neko: A leko has two claws that deal 1d4 points of slashing damage. These claws are primary natural attacks.


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