Ygg Character in Matera | World Anvil
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Ygg (Yig)

The World Tree

This article is for Ygg in a deific sense and its divine power. For more information on Ygg as the World Tree and center of of the world, see Ygg, the World Tree.   Ygg is the world tree, the center of the world, and the home of the true gods. While not known to be sapient in a traditional sense, it is said to have a will and agenda of its own, although one that is far removed from the comprehensions of non-plant creatures.

Divine Domains

All of plant life traces their origins back to Ygg, and thus its power commands the dominion over all of the worlds plants. Due to all of the Materils of life originating from the the World Tree, Clerics who draw upon Yggs power are granted access to more domains, although most choose to venerate the plant-aspects of it. Those clerics gain options from among the Air, Darkness, Earth, Evil, Fire, Good, Magic, Plant, Sun, Travel, and Weather domains, as well as the Divine, Growth, Leshy, Portal, and Thorns subdomains.


The soil of the Ygg is said to ensure the successful growth and even infuse plants with magical properties. The branches and the leaves of the World Tree are said to imbue any item crafted within them with incredible powers, with many of the divines artifact weapons said to be carved out of such material. However, possession of these materials by mortal men without the permission of higher powers is strictly forbidden, and its roots are heavily protected by the Green Order.

Holy Books & Codes

As a massive plant, Ygg writes no books and dictates no codes, yet those who draw its power from it know intrinsically that they must protect the natural beauty of the world and spread its life. Many of the Green Order state that all of the plants of nature are the written words of Ygg, and that those who study them can learn to read the "secrets written by Ygg".

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Yggs holy symbol is a sprout growing up from a patch of soil.

Tenets of Faith

Yggs venerators in the Green Order often follow the following code:
  • Life stems from nature, and so I will protect nature with the life it has granted me.
  • I recognize that nature can be cruel, but it is all part of a greater cycle, and that I will only interfere to protect the greater cycle.
  • Just as animals live and breath, so do the plants of the world. I will never inflict unnecessary pain on the green kin of the world.
  • I will work to ensure that civilization doesn't forget its roots in nature, and to protect nature from the exploitations of others.
  • As the leaves fall to change and renew, I will ensure that I am flexible in my mind; change is part of nature, so I too must be able to change with it.
  • All things stem from Ygg, and thus I will work for the betterment of all life in the world.


The Green Order (and even many outside of it) celebrate the 9th day of each month as Garden Day, signifying the 9 Materils. It os a day to celebrate life by spending this time out in the wilderness or working in personal gardens.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ygg never communicates in a traditional sense, and thus little is known about its goals, if it even has any beyond the spreading of life.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Yggs roots spread in the greatest depths throughout all of the Nine Realms, forming the Root of Souls, the path of which a deceased soul leaves its body and travels upward to their afterlife.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ygg was grown out of the first soil and watered with the blood of the Author, and the realms around it were crafted by the first young gods to help perpetuate its growth. In the primal days, the disembodies spirits of new gods were able to manifest themselves and emerge into a more physical form through Ygg, thanks to the beliefs and ideals of mortals.   Ygg remained unchanged throughout history, occasionally dropping leaves and branches, that would eventually be collected and the Temple of the Divines constructed at the area of their fall. But in the year 2222 AC, the Nyarlothotep and Tsaggoua of the Dark Tapestry were attracted to the world, and secretly advanced on the tree while the gods where distracted fighting off their kindred. Ripping off a branch and dipping it into Tsaggoua's slime, they attempted to corrupt Ygg and created Fuulia, the first Enthos. Fuulia instead betrayed her fathers, calling out and alerting the other gods who where able to drive the dark deities away.   In the year 3000 AC, the Author split the realms apart by creating the Rier, with the only tether between the realms being Ygg and the Root of Souls.   In the year 4000 AC, Marath Darkon attempted a ritual to grow a corrupt version of the World Tree by siphoning off its energy and inverting it. While the attempt ultimately failed, it left an empty scar on the ground where no life grows and that is void of magic. This event shrunk Ygg a small amount, and further weakened connection of the gods to the mortal plane.


Contacts & Relations

It is believed that a once mortal gardener grew so intune with the plants of the world that he unlocked all the secrets of life, and that he now walks through the branches of Ygg, acting as a sort of herald for the tree. This person is known only as "The Gardener", and is said to be as powerful as even the demigods. Some of the Green Order theorize that the "The Gardener" is a title granted to the greatest High Druid of each generation, and that there are even potentially multiple Gardener's each working on different levels of Ygg.

Family Ties

All of the deities, save the Author themselves, can stem their lineage back to the first deities that emerged from Ygg, and thus all hold great respect for it. Even the evil gods know that Ygg itself brings life from to the World, and while some might seek to corrupt it for their own power, all know better than to seek its destruction.




Towards Draganna Kalila Piitag


Draganna Kalila Piitag

Child (Vital)

Towards Ygg


Divine Classification
The World Tree
Year of Birth
2 4101 Years old
Aligned Organization


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