Scheu Ethnicity in Matera | World Anvil
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Scheu (She-oo)

Tieflings and Casohs born of Demons, who are generally shunned and hated by other members of Urro. Like all of the Cosmic Races, their appearance and abilities can vary wildly, but most commonly their traits manifest in a cosmetic bleeding of pores and a sickness in their stomach whenever they are in the vicinity of a lawful outsider.


Major language groups and dialects

The Scheu speak Urrok Comman and have an innate understanding of Abyssal.

Average technological level

Due to not having much of a nature or culture of their own, the Scheu have few advancements of their own. They utilize the technology of whatever nation they find themselves in, but often turn to destruction and simply tear down instead of build.

Common Dress code

The Scheu often wear the clothing of their birth nation, but they favor long clothes that can attempt to conceal their bleeding pores.

Art & Architecture

Most Scheu have an innate drive to destroy, and often can cast destructive magic naturally, thus rarely do they build anything or craft any sort of art. Things they do craft are often effigies to themselves, a demonic patron, or Thom the Demon Lord himself.

Foods & Cuisine

While they have no established food culture of their own, many Scheu gain monstrous appetites, and many take to cooking to fuel said hunger. This has led them to become excellent chefs, and cooking positions are one of the few jobs a Scheu can easily obtain. Cultists of Thom, who are primarily Scheu, have learned how to distil souls into a liquid known as soul-wine which empowers magic.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Due to usually being the product of demonic violation or profane infusions, many Scheu are abandoned or even killed after their birth, and thus have no established birth rites. Some desperate parents may turn to other infernal forces in the hopes that they can "fix" their child by replacing the demonic energies with their own. Others may attempt to disguise the Scheu as a different tiefling, but such a task is incredibly difficult.

Coming of Age Rites

Due to their often solitary lives, most Scheu grow up on the streets or in underground black markets, and thus must raise themselves. Those that are able to deal with demons or other Scheu often must decide a cardinal sin that they seek to exemplify, and then partake in some great act of that sin

Funerary and Memorial customs

Without much in the way of an established society, there are few establish customs for the Scheu. Many work to gain strength to lash out at the world around them, either through dark rituals that slowly transform them, or by descending into the Pit itself to be transformed by the magic there. Most Scheu that die in lawful countries are unceremoniously dumped into mass graves to be forgotten.

Common Taboos

The Scheu have few taboos, as they are often hated, shunned, and pushed into the fringes of societies already steeped in profane acts. Those that grow up in more lawful societies may attempt to quash their inner destructive and sinful natures in the hopes of eventually becoming accepted, but such Scheu are a rarity.

Common Myths and Legends

A majority of Scheu worship Thom, the Fiendish Lord of Sin and Demons, mostly in the hopes of one day gaining a lavish lifestyle.


Beauty Ideals

Scheu are filled with self-loathing due to their constant bleeding-appearence, and an intense jelously for other tieflings with more "attractive" features. They often take out these frustrations on humans, as they have the attractivness they seek but without the infernal powers to protect themselves.

Gender Ideals

Due to their demonic roots, female Scheu are seen as seductive temptresses, while males are rarely seen as anything more than violent brutes. Due to such ideals and few opportunities for any sort of advancement in other infernal societies, many Scheu are forced into the roles others see them in.

Courtship Ideals

Most Scheu are violent in their pursuit of others, as few willingly associate with them in meaningful ways. Some Scheu who embody lust learn that they can indulge more easily with non-violent measures, and thus may turn to running brothels or passing around intoxicating drugs.

Relationship Ideals

Due to the stigma they face for being demon-spawn, the Scheu have few positive relationships with anyone. They often form bonds with other Scheu or the similarly disenfranchised, but such alliances are easily broken in any attempt to gain power.

Major organizations

The Scheu have no nation to claim as their own, as they are spawned from either from demonic incursions from the Pit or botched demon summoning's. They are shunned and hated by nearly all nations in Urro, due to the damage that these incursions cause, and often are enslaved to use for manual labor.
Encompassed species
Related Locations
Instead of rolling for Otherwordly Traits and Physical Features, a Scheu can select the following traits.   Law Adverse: A Scheu feels sick to their stomach and take a -1 penalty on ability checks while within 30 feet of a lawful aligned outsider. While this ability doesn't help the Scheu locate the outsider, it functions even if the outsider is hiding its nature through magic.   Bleeding Pores: A Scheu's blood seems to seep through its pores, although this effect is mostly illusiory and doesn't impede the Scheu's overall health.


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