Terunt Ethnicity in Matera | World Anvil
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Terunt (Te-runt)

Gnomes native to the magmatic volcanoes of Ixuil, the fire realm, Terunts are capricious and whimsical creatures, always looking for the next bit of fun. Having obsidian-colored skin and flame-shaped hair, terunts are able to live and channel the mighty fires of these volcanic locations.


Major language groups and dialects

Terunts speak Ignan instead of Auren.

Average technological level

The terunt are less technologically diverse then other gnomes, preferring to mostly specialize in crafting fire based items and explosives. They also often build items capable of studying and viewing geological activities, so that they can predict when volcanic activity will heighten in a given area.

Common Etiquette rules

Apathy and boredom are considered close to crimes in terunt society, and thus one who tries to boringly lecture or impose unfun restrictions on a terunt would be considered culturally insensitive.

Common Dress code

The terunt wear heavy, heat protective clothing when traveling into the deeper reaches of their volcanic homes, but otherwise only wear simple light loincloths and other adornments to help keep them cool in the intense heat of Ixuil.

Art & Architecture

Terunts love to carve and build both items and structures out of obsidian and other volcanic substances.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Terunts are always on the lookout for fun and excitement, although what they might consider fun varies from tribe to tribe. More good-aligned tribes might be constantly throwing festivals and showcases, often even inviting other races to view them, while more evil tribes might find joy in burning villages to the ground and hurling its residents in the nearest volcano. Regardless of alignment, a tribes activity often goes through cycles of escalation, until something inevitably goes awry, leaving many wounded or even dead. After this, the tribe goes into a "cooling state" for a long period of time as they calm down and focus on rebuilding or rebranding.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The terunt hold their children aloft over the volcano of their birth, while shout prayers to Taazeppluck. Often, large groups of terunt attempt parents tend to attemp this rite simultaneously, leading to friendly but rambunctious shouting matches that the echoes of can sometimes be heard miles away.

Coming of Age Rites

A terunt must stand before the heat of a lava pool in a ceremony known as The Blistering, to discover how much of Taazeppluck blessing they have received. The terunt must stand their and endure the extreme heat for as long as they can, with few even lasting a minute; those who last for longer periods of time are viewed with awe and respect, and can more easily earn leadership positions.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The terunt hurl their deceased into Mt. Zhren, so that their souls can join with Taazeppluck and forever revel in his divine fires.

Common Taboos

Many terunt have hydrophobia, and thus forcing a terunt near water is not looked kindly upon.

Common Myths and Legends

A majority of terunt worship Taazeppluck, the gnomish god of Fire and Fun, but on occasion can be found worshiping other members of the gnomish pantheon or even other gods of fire.


Beauty Ideals

A terunts skin has a glass-like sheen to it, and many terunt work to keep their skin sheen shiny and clean. The expectation to this is volcanic soot, which is often used to create beauty powders and other products, and haven a sooty complexation is also seen as a sign of beauty.

Gender Ideals

Like normal gnomes, the terunt pay little head to gender, with both male and females able to thrive in society as long as they can keep themselves and others entertained.

Courtship Ideals

The terunt are easily impassioned, often going through great lengths to display their affection from potential partners. This infatuation can easily spread and form for members of other races, and stories abound of terunts pursuing a member another humanoid race across the realm in the hopes of winning their favor. Terunts are quick to anger when repeatitly rejected, often leading them to commit acts of arson against those who spurn them.

Relationship Ideals

The terunt love to try to make new friends and relationships, and are quite social. Their interspecies relations are somewhat stifled by their location, as the territory surrounding Mt. Zhren is owned to various dragons or the annexation of the ever expanding fire giants and Azer of the Blasted Plains. Thus, when a terunt meets a new humanoid, they often rush to attempt socialization with them, even if the attention is unwanted.

Random Terunt Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-40 Volcanic Range Flame-Touched
41-60 Cave Gravelwalker
61-75 Blasted Plains Planar Escapee
76-89 Jungle Tropical Upbringing
90-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland table)
Encompassed species
Related Locations
A terunt replaces the normal gnome traits of Gnome Magic and Illusion Resistance with the following trait:    Lava Gnome: A terunt treats their caster level as 2 higher whenever they cast a spell with the fire descriptor, using powers granted by the fire domain, using bloodline powers of the fire elemental bloodline, using the revelations of the oracle's flame mystery, or determining the damage of alchemist bombs


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